32. New crush

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Jimin was sitting next to his Aunt, staring at the newly married couple with his right ankle on his left knee. While his right foot shook up and down intimidatingly, Jeongguk's leg bounced up and down in restlessness. 

Nonetheless, neither Taehyung nor Jeongguk looked up at the person who was trying to stare them down. 

Jihyo burst out laughing after a while and hit Jimin on his thigh. "Okay, stop now, you are scaring the shit out of them," she said. "You keep quiet, Imo!! They can't just come and drop a bomb like tha-"

"And you can't just try to scare my husband like this!!" Jeongguk exclaimed. 

Jimin gaped at Jeongguk. "Ggukie, you can't betray me like this!! You are supposed to support me!!" he exclaimed. "How did you accept it when he dragged you to the church?! You should have stopped him!!" 

"Umm....actually..." Taehyung started in a small voice, "it was the other way around," he said, making Jimin whip his head towards him, "he was the one who dragged me to the church without even informing me what was happening."

"It was a surprise," Jeongguk mumbled next to him. 

"SURPRI-" Jimin didn't even finish his word. 

"You know what? I don't care. You don't care enough to call us to your wedding, so why should I care about you?" he asked Jeongguk.

"Because I'm your brother....?" Jeongguk said hesitantly and Jimin rolled his eyes while Jihyo and Taehyung snickered slightly. Leave it to Jeongguk to make every dramatic person wish to die. 

"You are wrong. I don't care about you two," Jimin said and shot up from the couch, grabbing his laptop and storming into one of the rooms. He made sure to slam the door shut behind him despite Jeongguk yelling "I KNOW YOU DO!!" behind him. 

"So.....what happened?" Jihyo asked and that was how Jeongguk and Taehyung jumped into an explanation of what happened the previous night. 

When they finally finished talking about it, Jimin's door opened and he coolly walked back to the couch. 

Taehyung froze again but Jeongguk tried to glare at his brother, who began to clear his throat. "Congratulations, both of you," Jimin said, "have a happy married life."

Taehyung and Jeongguk broke into a huge grin at that. "Thank you," both of them said together. "We'll arrange a party soon to celebrate it," Taehyung said. 

"Sure. Jeongie called me last night to check up on you guys cause she heard you crying," Jimin said, pointing to Taehyung, "she wanted to share pizza with you guys," he explained when Taehyung frowned questioningly. "I suppose this was why you were crying?"

Taehyung scratched his neck awkwardly. "Yeah," he let out an embarrassed chuckle. 

"Have lunch here," Jihyo said. "No, no, Eomeonim, we'll have lunch somewhere outside after going to the cafe," Taehyung said. 

"Ohh....okay. Come back home after that, then. I'll cook dinner for all of us," Jihyo said. "Okay," Jeongguk said. 

"But..." Jimin started after a few seconds of silence, "how did you get the priest to perform a gay marriage?"

"I paid him a lot," Jeongguk said. "Ohh....how...?" Jimin knew Jeongguk didn't earn too much at the cafe. 

"Using my husband's card, of course. He gave me his card long ago," Jeongguk said and it was then that Taehyung remembered his confusion the previous day upon receiving a message that ten million Won were debited from his account. 

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