27. Next on the list

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Two weeks later, Yoongi officially quit his job and a week after that, he debuted by holding a concert. Tickets got sold out pretty fast compared to what he had expected. He had really not expected people to be that curious about who Suga was. 

Namjoon and Jhope joined him in the middle of the concert and the three of them performed together for a long time. 

Taehyung, Jeongguk, Jimin and Jeongyeon had VIP tickets, but Taehyung still covered himself, not wanting to cause a scene in the arena. He knew that many people present over there were once upon a time his fans too.

He enjoyed seeing Jeongguk have a blast despite the lights and sounds. He did notice how Jeongguk would fidget restlessly in between the performances, but when the next one started, he would start jumping and jamming and screaming again. 

He knew the whole thing would come down altogether once the concert ended. Jimin had warned him about it as well, and luckily, by the time the aftermath of the enjoyment started, Taehyung had Jeongguk back safe in his apartment. 

A week after that, he spent time with Jimin in a bar again. This time, the two of them made sure they didn't get too drunk. They had Jeongguk with them, after all, and it was the first time Jeongguk was sitting in a bar despite how bad the lights and sounds were bothering him. 

Jimin had not entertained the idea at first, but Taehyung managed to convince him that it would be impossible for Jeongguk to improve if they kept walking on eggshells around him. "We have to let him get used to it. We can deal with the consequences later. How many times will he get overwhelmed? At some point, he will get used to it," had been his words. 

Realizing that Taehyung was right, Jimin agreed. So did Jihyo and Jaewan, who had left to Busan a week ago to pack their things up and start shifting to the house next to Jimin's. 

Unlike how hard Jimin thought it would be to persuade his brother, Jeongguk had agreed right away when Taehyung came up with the proposal of going to the bar. And thus, the three of them were now in the VIP room, all alone, with a few bottles and glasses with them. 

"They put out an application for the position of my manager. One guy got selected for now," Taehyung said, drinking a one-shot. 

"Ohh...do you have....do you...do you have a say in it?" Jeongguk asked, his leg bouncing at the speed of light because of the discomfort that he was facing with the lights and sounds. He still wanted to try and be a part of the conversation despite having a hard time wording his thoughts out. 

He didn't mind taking his time, though. He knew both his boyfriend and brother would be patient with him.

"I kinda do....I've still made their company famous all these years, right," Taehyung said, filling his glass up again, "but I don't know what to do. It's not like I can judge how they are gonna be just by seeing their faces. I just hope this guy isn't homophobic," he said. 

"Hmm....yeah. Let's hope so. His name is S-Seo Dae Shin, right?" Jimin slurred slightly. 

"Hmm," Taehyung nodded.

 "When...?" Jeongguk trailed off with a small uncomfortable groan. "When am I gonna get back to the stage?" Taehyung asked. "Hmm," Jeongguk nodded, making a fleeting eye contact with Taehyung.

"Next month. On the first of May," Taehyung answered his question. 


The first of May came faster than they expected. The company had already announced Taehyung's new schedule online and had arranged a small concert for the day with a limited number of seats. 

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