12. Indiscipline

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"Ggukieeeeeeee," Taehyung whined into his phone. "What? Is something wrong?" Jeongguk asked, worry creasing his brow even if Taehyung couldn't see it.

"My legs are aching so bad," Taehyung whined harder. "Oh. But why did you call me?" Jeongguk asked.

"Because my legs are aching," Jeongguk could hear the pout in Taehyung's voice. "Get them massaged, then," he said. He honestly didn't understand what Taehyung wanted him to do about it.

"Will you give me one, then?" Taehyung asked cheekily despite knowing Jeongguk was going to hang up on him in three and a half more minutes because of his bedtime.

"Okay, okay. I'll gi-"

"Really?! You will?! Wow, really?!"

"...why do you sound so surprised?"

"Because I thought you were going to sleep now," Taehyung said, excitement colouring his voice thoroughly.

"That I am."

"Then why did you say okay?"

"I was going to say that I'll give you one when Jiminie hyung and I go to your house tomorrow, but you cut me off," it was Jeongguk who pouted this time.

".......oh.....are you excited?"

"Yass!! Yass, yass, I am so excited!!" Jeongguk suddenly sat up straight,"you don't know how excited I am, I am really very excited!!"

Taehyung bit down a smile. He found Jeongguk's excitement cute. It was going to be his birthday's little party, after all.

"-gonna meet RM and I'm gonna meet Jhope and you even said Suga is coming and NO ONE KNOWS WHO SUGA IS AND I WILL BE KNOWING WHO HE IS SOON AND I WILL BE MEETING ALL OF THE-"

Taehyung sighed. Why did he tell Jeongguk that they would be coming to the party as well?

If he had any regrets in his life, telling Jeongguk that a lot of favourite idols were a part of his closest friend circle and that they would be attending his little party as well was one of them.

It had been three days since he asked him to come to his house for his birthday and Jeongguk had still not shut up about it.

"Okay, okay, show some excitement about mee-"


".....V....is literally me?"


"GGUKIE, STOP YELLING!! YOU DON'T WANNA GET US KICKED OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, DO YOU?!" Soohyeon yelled from her bedroom, earning a loud snort from Jimin from his own bedroom.

Jeongguk shut up right away. "I know you are V. I'm excited," he whispered, making Taehyung guffaw immediately. "Oh my god, you are so adorable!! I wish I could hug you right now," he cooed.

"I want to hug you too, but it would be a crime."


"Because I have to sleep in thirty three seconds. I'm not supposed to go over to your house now," Jeongguk said and Taehyung could picture him frowning.

"Well, I'm still at the company, but Ggukie, it is really okay to do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do. You are not 'supposed' to do anything. You just do things in an impulse. That's it. Imagine how nice it would be if you came over and then we went out on an ice cream stroll at midnight?"

".......I would catch a cold."

Taehyung snorted again. "Aish.....how about a milkshake, then? We can get a banana one if you want," he offered. He had a feeling Jeongguk would relent.

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