19. Changes

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The new year came and everything fell back into schedule for a whole week after the fiasco at Taehyung's house, except for the fact that neither did Taehyung call or text Jeongguk, nor did he answer him when he called him.

It did drive Jeongguk crazy, but he didn't mind it too much. He knew his boyfriend was too busy caught up in the scandal that now surrounded his name.

Taehyung, however, wasn't too busy physically. The company had even asked him not to step foot in the building for a while and that they would handle everything and bring the dust down.

So, other than scrolling through the disturbing comments from everyone and talking to his friends and well-wishers, Taehyung had nothing much to do.

He tried his best not to think about a certain someone in the meantime. Thoughts about that person hurt both his mind and his heart.

Even though only a week had passed and even though he knew it would be hard to move on so fast, he couldn't wait to do just that.

That wasn't something he could handle and he knew it was for everyone's best to let go.

He knew he took a wise decision that day when he had called Yoongi and had asked him to drop Jeongguk back at his house after telling Jeongguk as indirectly as possible that this wasn't something he could handle and that it was best if they broke up.

He knew very well it was for the best.

So why did it hurt?

Why did it hurt so hard to not hear those little excited repeated words of his ex-boyfriend through the speaker of his phone every night?

Why did it hurt so bad to think about the way he counted time in seconds instead of minutes?

Why did it hurt so horribly to not be indisciplined anymore?

With utmost difficulty, he pulled himself out of his train of thoughts, knowing it would do no one no good to think about him.

Sighing heavily, he got back to scrolling through the toxic comments about him, but something caught his eye this time.

Something that he had missed to notice until then.

Can't believe I had a crush on such a faggot. At least I would have paid attention to that guy who pined after me for two years if I knew this faggot's true colors #SKsShameSinger

Taehyung scoffed and rolled his eyes. He now got used to those comments from people. It just showed him how loyal his so-called fans actually were to him.

However, it wasn't the post that caught his eyes, but the most recent comment under it.

You should have known that you would never be able to date someone like him even if he were straight. You shouldn't have lived on the clouds. Don't blame him for your own fall. That's totally your fault.

A small smile creeped up Taehyung's lips, knowing he at least had someone to support him, whoever that person was.

He found the same person shutting people up in their comments in a lot more posts and it had him flying up in the clouds.

He wanted to share it with someone. Thus, without thinking of how he would be disturbing them, he called the one person that came to his mind right away.


"Hey, is everything alright?"


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