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As I walked out of the movie theatre with chad, the only thing that I could think about was the boys and how I had lost 50 bucks. I lost 50 bucks because I had made a deal with Chad that if he could keep his cool when he first met the boys, then I owed him 50 bucks. if he spazzed out like a little girl, like he usually does from just hearing their names, then he gave me 50 bucks.

Honestly I didn't even remember what movie we saw because the entire time, chad would not shut up about meeting the boys. So I finally asked him just to be funny, " so did you like the movie?" and he looked at me with a confused look and finally said, " yeah it was great," I shook my head and asked him, " so what was your favorite part?" and he said, " uummm, the one when the people returned home from the alien spaceship?" and I laughed and said, " nice try chad, but we just saw the lucky one, and I'm pretty sure that the army doesn't count as an alien spaceship." He looked at me and whispered to himself just loud enough so I could hear, "shoot" then a smile appeared on his face and he put his arm around me.

We got into his car and he drove me to my town house. when he stopped he asked me, " so are you free later tonight?" I said to him, " no sorry I got um, I got a lot of homework," I jumped out of the car and he screamed at me, " Casey" and I said, " yeah?" he smilled at me and said, " it's friday," and he started to laugh, and I said, " bye Chad" and the minute he drove away I got out my phone and texted Harry, I'll b ther in 10, and he didn't respond for a minute and finally said, can u make it 20, we hav a supriz 4 u but we hav 2 rap it. I said, K, and I ran inside my house as fast as I could into my bedroom, stripped off all of my clothes and turned the shower on.

To be honest I was kinda glad that he gave me an extra 20 minutes because it was really hot in that theatre and I smelled like crap. I got inside the shower and I started to sing bulletproof, "I'm bulletproof, nothin to lose, fire away, fire away "

At the end of my shower and I heard the front door slam shut. My heart skipped a beat and I turned off the shower, got dressed as quickly and quietly as I could, grabbed my hairspray as a replacement for pepper spray and being as quiet as a mouse I opened the door being ready to spray the hair spray at all times.

I lived alone in a small town house and I am the only one with the key to my house, so obviously somebody had broken in. I snuck down the staircase and peeked around the corner to see nothing. I lowered my weapon and walked down the rest of the stairs, looked around and still didn't see anything. I said, " what the ...." but was interrupted by somebody grabbing me from behind. I screamed as loud as I could, raised my arm up and sprayed whoever was behind me. I guess it worked because when I did the person let go and he started to scream but immediately I grabbed my keys off the counter right next to me and I bolted out of the door.

I looked back at the house for a second but just kept on running, I heard a voice back at my house scream my name but I didn't look back I just kept running, and running and running. And I finally stopped. I looked around me and it looked like I was alone so I began to pant like a dog.

Just then a person came up behind me and grabbed me, I started to scream but the person put his hands on my mouth and screamed, " Casey!"

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