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I kissed Harry on the cheek and I said, " go." He nodded his head in response and he bolted out the door. Honestly I was kinda glad that Harry had left, I really needed some time to think about what had just happened.

Did I really just agree to go out with Harry, or are we just going on a date, or are we just still friends, no nevermind we are definitely more than friends. But the truth is, I am not really sure that I want to date Harry. I mean don't get me wrong, he is a great guy and everything, but, I kinda like someone else in the band.

I have for a while now and, I was almost positive that he was going to ask me out, but. I, I just don't know what happened, I think that I just got caught up in the moment with Harry, but I don't think that I feel the same way about him that he does about me.

the one that I like is so, cheeky, but he is also mysterious, like it is hard for me to figure him out sometimes. I think that he tries to hide himself sometimes behind his, hilarious jokes. And he is so sweet, I think that I have liked him since the first day that I met him on the X factor. I feel like, we have a future together, and I don't even know if he likes me that way.

'" buzz, buzz, buzz !" My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I looked at and it said, Hazza is calling, on the front, " oh great," I whispered to myself, but I couldn't just blow him off so I picked up the phone and said, " hey Hazza." He said, " hey CC, I just wanted to let you know that Louis does know about us, but, he is going to keep it a secret from the rest of the boys." I sighed not only because I was relieved but because I was also a little on edge, this whole, dating one of my best friends thing, is actually a lot weirder than in sounds.

I said to him, " thats great Harry, thank you so much." " Anything for you love," he said, and I couldn't help but blush a little," wait, no," I told myself, " you don't like him like that, just tell him the truth, you like someone else." I sighed and said, "um Harry," " yah love?" and said, " um, I, just, wanted, um, ugh, do you want come over tonight, like, watch movies or something?" Man why am I such a wimp. " Yeah, sure love, I will be over there in ten," he said. " Okay, see you in a minute." and with that, I hung up the phone, let out a huge sigh, and plopped down on the couch.

Ten minutes went by really fast and before I knew it the doorbell rang, I slowly got up from the couch and walked to the door, and to my surprise it wasn't Harry, it was actually Zayn. Oh my god, it's Zayn, what was I going to say when Harry came over. Oh um hey Zayn. He said, " hey, are you busy tonight?" I said, " um yeah, Ha..., Chad is coming over and we were going to watch a movie, sorry." " Oh, that's okay, I was just wondering if you wanted to go bowling sometime, but it doesn't have to be tonight."

Oh my god,

Zayn was asking me out.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now