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I looked at Casey and she looked at me with worry in her eyes. She kissed me on the cheek and said, " go." She smiled at me and I nodded my head and sprinted out the door. My head was spinning and my muscles ached from all the running, "I really have to take a car next time," I told myself, but I just kept running. It was a 2 mile run from here to my apartment but I sprinted the entire way which took the breath out of me pretty quickly.

When I finally got to my apartment, I saw Louis car parked out front and cussed to myself. I sighed and sprinted up 7 flights of stairs, when I got to the apartment I guess I was just in time to stop Louis because he was standing in front of the boys who were on the couch and he said, " boys, well there is no easy way to say this but.." "STOP !!! " I screamed, and Louis turned around and looked at me with disappointment in his eyes and he said, " no Harry, this is one secret that you can't keep and neither can I." He scowled at me when he said this, I pulled him aside and I whispered to him, " can we atleast talk about this." I looked at him with my puppy dog eyes and he looked at me and said, " Harry, put those damn puppy eyes away, just, ugh, come on." And he pulled me into his bedroom.

" What the hell were you thinking Harry, I thought that we were brothers, that we never kept anything from eachother, so, what happened?" I looked into his eyes and almost started to cry, I felt terrible about all of this, but I couldn't control my feelings for Casey, she was just, perfect.

I held back the tears and asked him, " how much did you see?" He sighed and said, " well you guys kissed three times blushed at each other like there were freaking apples in your cheeks and looked at each other like, like..." he faded off into silence and looked down at the floor. When he looked back up at me I knew that he expected me to say something. He sat down on the bed and looked down at the floor again, I finally said to him, " Louis, I didn't want this to happen this way either but, that was the first time I had ever kissed her, nothing had ever happened before that, we just, we just got caught up in the moment, and then she started asking all these questions, and before I knew it I had kissed her, believe me though, I was going to tell you guys the minute I got back, please Louis, please forgive me."

He just sat there for a minute, thinking, I was nearly wetting my pants I was so nervous about what he was going to say. He finally looked at me and said, " alright Harry, I forgive you, and don't worry, your little secret is safe with me," he gave me a small smile and I said, " thank you, thank you, thank you!" I gave him a big hug almost crushing him to death and when I let go I said, " okay now we just have to ask Paul if Casey can come on tour with us." I figured that that was the reason that he had came to Caseys house in the first place. He said, " piece of cake, just leave it all up to me."

I was a little worried about what he was going to do, but I was too happy to think about it. Me and Casey were together at last, and nothing, was going to get in the way of it. I loved her, I loved her with all my heart and I wasn't afraid to admit it. And in that moment, nothing else in the world mattered, because I was happy, because she was happy.

Well, atleast I thought, that she was.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now