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I can't believe Bryce, who does he think he is messing with us. We are basically brothers for life, nothing will ever change that, ever.

"So does everybody know the plan?" Casey asked in a serious tone. We hadn't talked that much since the first kiss incident, but right now we were both focused on getting Harry back, I wasn't extremely find of the plan but it was all we had.

Casey dialed the number and it ringed twice before Bryce answered. "Hey Bryce," Casey said to Bryce in the sexiest voice she could come up with.

"Hey babe, I knew you'd call," he said back into the phone, it discussed me but I just kept thinking, stick to the plan stick to the plan.

"So I have a confession," Casey started sounding like a dumb blonde. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course babe, anything," he replied, stick to the plan stick to the plan.

"Bryce, I love you, it's always been that way, I was just dating Liam for the money and fame," she said in a sexy whisper voice. Man I love that voice, is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

"I knew you'd come around, so how bout it, you, me, tonight, my place, 10:00?" He said back to her not so nicely.

"Text me the address, see ya then sexy..." She sexily whispered into the phone then hung up. "How did I do, was it believable?" She asked in a nervous tone.

"We'll I know one person who liked it," Niall said with a giggle pointing to my trousers.

Everybody burst out laughing and I looked down at my pants to see what was, oh.

Either somebody stuffed a rock in my boxers, or Casey's sexy talking made me go a little over the top...

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