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I didn’t have an answer for Liam because frankly, he was right, and he knew it too. I just sat there, dumbfounded until he said, “ yah thats what I thought,” and walked out the door. I decided to call Casey and tell her what had happened, wow this relationship is hard, and we have been dating for what, 2 weeks! I needed to fix this.

I called Casey but she didn’t pick up, probably because she had just poured her heart out to Liam when she thought it was me. I felt so bad, I just forgot to call her, why do I have to be such an idiot sometimes. I guess that is just who I  am, a big, heart breaking idiot.

I decided that it would be best to go over to her house and tell her what had happened and explain to her that she was going to tour with us. But wait, how was I going to tell the boys, if I said that I was going to go to Casey’s house they would try to hold me back and then we would get into another big fight, and frankly, I am tired of fighting.

I quietly crawled to the kitchen and grabbed my keys and when the boys came in there they almost saw me, but I ducked and rolled. I ran out the door shutting it as quietly as I could, I figured that the boys would find out that I had left at some point but right now, I just wanted to see Casey.

Oh, Casey, my heart explodes every time that I hear her name, I can't believe that she chose me over the rest of the boys, especially with the history that she had with me and Bryce. Hm, I wonder where Bryce was, I haven’t talked to him in like, 5 years. I never found out what he did to Casey, but whenever I say his name, she starts to cry, so I just let it go.

When I got to her house I rang the doorbell but there was no answer, I kinda figured that it would be like this, so, I grabbed the spare key that she always keeps under her plant in front of her house and I went inside, to my surprise when I got there she wasn’t crying or silent or ignoring me. But instead she simply said, “ oh, hey Hazza, what are you doing here?”

“ Umm, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, and I have some really exciting news to tell you,” She smiled at me and said, “ why wouldn’t I be okay, I mean I thought that my boyfriend called me so that we could talk but it turned out to be one of my best friends who wasn’t supposed to listen to me cry out my heart and... “ I get it know, she was trying to hide her anger and sadness behind her perfect smile, well it didn’t work for long. “ Come here “ I said to her, and she didn’t hesitate she ran into my arms and I started to stroke her beautiful blonde hair.

“ Harry, this isn’t going to work out, I just, I can't keep doing this, I mean I am dating a guy that was my best friend and doing it behind my other friends backs and I am not even sure how I truly feel about you yet, and I might even like someone else, but, Harry, I miss my best friend, please understand. “

Her words shocked me, when I came over here that was not what I was expecting at all, but I didn’t want her to make her feel like she had to please me or anything so, “ yeah, I understand, and I kinda miss being best friends too, I agree, so can we just forget this whole thing ever happened and go back to being like, best friends.” She smiled when I said this and kissed me on the cheek, but in a friendly way, I still loved her, just, as a friend.

“ Hey do you want to know my awesome news?” We sat down on the couch and she nodded her head. “ Okay, well, I don’t know how he did it but, somehow, Louis convinced Paul to let you come on tour with us, you can be our opening act!” Her jaw dropped like she had just seen a talking dog, she was astonished. “ I, I, oh my God Harry!” and she pulled me into a hug, “ this is unbelievable, how did he, what, oh my God!”

“ Yah, oh and I heard that you were opening the show with someone, like a duet, I will ask Louis who it is.” I texted Louis and shut my phone off, “ Do you want to watch a movie?” Casey asked me. “ Sure, I’ll go get the popcorn and soda, “ I responded. While I was getting the snacks Louis texted me back. I was so surprised by who it was I actually dropped the popcorn and the bowl broke. Casey came running into the kitchen and yelled, “ Harry are you okay?” “ Bryce,” I responded. She gave me a funny look and said, “ what?” I stood there for a minute but finally managed to say, “Bryce,

Casey, you're singing with Bryce.”

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