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Me, she actually chose me, out of the 5 guys, she chose me. She didn't even say anything she just, kissed me, she kissed me and I kissed her right back, when she pulled away and smiled at me, my heart skipped a beat. " I love you Casey, " I told her, and I knew that it was completely, 100 percent, totally true. " I love you too Liam, " she said with the biggest smile ever planted on her face.

She looked deep into my eyes and I tried not to stare too much at hers, but I guess it didn't work because she said, " you are so adorable when you are staring." I blushed and she let out a little giggle. I kinda forgot that the rest of the boys were here until Louis said, " Oh god, please don't turn into that couple." This made all of us laugh which is something that we haven't done in a while. I could tell that Casey felt kinda awkward when she said, " are you guys sure that you are okay with this?" The boys nodded and Harry said, " oh yeah, totally, you guys are so adorable, Oh my god, do you guys want to go public, because that would be so awesome, the world should know about you guys!" Casey and I laughed at this and I said, " okay Harry, every single thing that you just said, made you sound totally gay, " All of us except Harry laughed for a really long time.

When we eventually stopped laughing I put my arm around Casey and said, " I don't know babe, do you want to go public?" She stood there for a moment with a puzzled look on her face, which was absolutely adorable by the way until she finally said, " ummm, sure why not, I think that it's a great idea." She looked at me and smiled a little and I said, " okay, hey Harry would you mind taking the picture for us?" " not at all." He replied.

I handed him my phone and he said, " okay, big smiles everybody." And he squinted and smiled like a toddler which made Casey laugh. I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her around mine. After Harry snapped the picture he showed it to us and said, " okay, now it's time for a goofy one!" like an idiot.

Casey gave me bunny ears and made a weird face and I kissed her on the cheek. I didn't tell her that I was going to so she was a little surprised when I did and said, " Liam," and let out a little giggle. She is so cute when she does that, I am so happy that I get to call her mine, and I am a little surprised that the rest of the boys were okay with it too. But that just made me even happier, if that was even possible.

" Hey Harry, can I talk to you for a second?" Casey asked Harry. It didn't sound very good when she said it though, and I couldn't help but feel a little worried, " are you okay babe?" I asked her. " Um, yeah, I'm fine, I just need to talk to Harry about something, " she responded. " Yeah, what is it about, " Harry asked her. " Well," she began, " it's about that thing, that we found out earlier, " she had a dead serious look on her face and stared at Harry. He gave her a confused look for a minute but finally said, " Oh, yeah, that, um guys, we, we will be right back, " and with that they walked out of the room.

Okay now I was really worried, we just got together and there is something that she can't tell me already, what if it's about me, what if she is confused about going on the tour and is scared that we are going to break up, or what if.... wait a minute, why am i thinking like this, positive thoughts Liam, positive. And besides, if it really was about me then they would tell me about it,

wouldn't they?

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now