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The bus pulled up outside my house, I still can't believe that I was opening up for One Direction, more or less Harry Styles. I was going to kill him when I got the chance, over the years I didn't just become a lot stronger vocally, but also physically, and he was no match for me. I also heard that HIs girlfriend Casey was coming with us and that I was doing a duet with her for the opening act. I really did like Casey, and I never wanted to hurt her that night, it was just a drunken mistake.

I rolled my two suitcases outside to the bus and I put them in the storage trailer that was hooked up to the back of the bus, and when I turned around I was greeted by a very mad Harry. I just gave him a small evil smile and said, " wow, look at you Harry, you're all grown up, but you still look like a little boy, now why is that ? " I gave him a confused look like I was a lost puppy but it disappeared quickly and turned back into my evil smile.

Before I knew what was happening he pinned me up against the bus and whispered to me, " you listen to me, it made me mad enough that you cut Casey the first time, but did you really have to go and hurt her again Bryce, thats right Liam told me about the how you texted him and how you cut her and how you threatened to kill her too, Bryce, I may be the big pop star with the ego to you, but that doesn't mean that I don't know how to throw a punch. so stay away from Casey, or I will hurt you, and that is a promise. " He walked away with the threat still lingering around in my head.

What was he talking about when he said the text you sent Liam, and why does he think that I would hurt Casey again, I didn't want to do it the first time. I would never hurt a hair on her head, unlike Harry who I would be happy to stab with my fork at lunch. Okay, I know that sounds a little weird but come on, the guy stole Casey from me, and I honestly love her I would do anything for her to feel the same way about me but, we all know that it's never going to happen. I hurt her, and no matter what I do, I don't think that she was ever going to forgive me for it, especially that now she thinks that I hurt her again, which I didn't.

But boy whoever did, they had a load of pain coming to them. I fake pretended to talk to myself just loud enough so that the boys could hear inside of the bus this whole time by the way, oh and yes, I would hurt Casey if I had to, but honestly I wasn't worried, I had somebody to cover up my tracks, and right now, it was the perfect distraction. The only thing that I didn't understand was when he said, Liam told me about the text that you sent him, who the heck is Liam, I didn't send any texts to Liam, now that part I didn't understand, but the rest, duh it was me, but this whole thing was just the beginning of my master plan,

Casey didn't know what was coming to her.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now