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Casey was upstairs in her room packing and I was in her living room, waiting for her. " Come on Casey, the bus is going to be here any minute," I yelled upstairs. Casey came down the stairs with like, 4 suitcases, " wow Casey, did you pack enough, or are you trying to beat the record of how many suitcases one person can bring on the bus," She let out a little giggle and said, " why, what's the record right now?" I smiled and said, " well the record holder is Zayn with 6 suitcases, only two of them has clothes in it though, the others are for his various hair care products." Casey and I laughed at this for a minute until we heard a honk outside.

" Looks like the bus is here, ready to go?" I asked her while grabbing two of her suitcases." Yup," she replied, popping the p. We walked out to the bus and when we got there Paul took our suitcases and put them in the storage room in the bus. We had just gotten on the bus, when Casey said, " shit, " and ran off the bus. " Casey?" I yelled after her, but she didn't hear me.

I started to chase after her and I found her in the storage room, " Casey what are you doing," I asked her, it looked like she was going through her suitcase. " Oh, Liam, turn around you can't see this," she told me. " What is going on?" I asked her starting to get a little worried, " nothing, I was just making sure that I had something, its just girl stuff." She replied. " Casey, I have a 17 year old sister, I have seen girl stuff before," I said while walking towards her." " Liam, don't look," she said while laughing, " please trust me, you don't want to see this."

" Well now I do," I said while creeping towards her. " Sorry, " she said, and she slammed her suitcase shut. She took my hand and led me out of the storage room. When we got back on the bus I said, " alright, let me give you the tour," I said, " Okay well here is the kitchen, here is the bathroom, and by the way, if you want to look decent in the morning, I suggest that you get up before Zayn, he takes like a year in there." We both laughed at this, and she said, " noted."

" Okay well the bedrooms are kinda funky this year, so there are three bedrooms, two beds per room, but one of the beds happens to be a king and all the others are twins, so do you know what that means?" She smiled at me which meant that she did know what I mean, since Bryce was coming on the bus with us, me and Casey were going to have to share a bed.

She kissed me on my cheek and ran out the door, " come on," she yelled back at me. I ran out the door and followed her outside, " where are we going?" I asked her. " Well, " she began, " I figured that since the bus doesn't leave for a couple of hours, that we should go on a proper first date before we spend 3 months on a bus together.

This was going to be fun.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now