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When all of us were still on X Factor, and after the band had gotten together, the only person who had met Casey at the time was Harry. They were best friends and he never shut up about her. One day when we were in our dorm just talking about random stuff, he goes on one of his rants about Casey, and I had taken enough of it, “ Harry, for crying out loud, when do we get to meet her!” He looked surprised when I said this and he looked down at the ground. I think that was the first time that he has ever heard me yell.

“ Sorry Haz, “ I told him. “ Why would you be sorry? That is a great idea, I will call her right now. “ He started to walk out of the room but first he said, “ Oh wait, what do you guys want to do with her?” All the guys shrugged their shoulders and I said, “ I dunno, maybe Nandos and a game of lazer tag? All of the guys agreed with me when I said it and Harry walked away.

Now you guys know why me and Casey both wanted to go play laser tag, so let’s go back to reality.

Casey and I were walking to the laser tag place hand in hand. It was a good 20 minute walk, but we both agreed that walking and talking was way more romantic. We talked about the dumbest stuff on the way. Just about our lives and the tour. Nothing really interesting.

When we got there I walked up to the front desk and said, “ Two people for laser tag please.” The front girl at the desk looked up from her magazine and smiled. She nodded her head and gave me a wink. I looked away from her and at Casey and just by the look in her eyes I could tell that she was really uncomfortable and even a little jealous. I looked back at the girl and she had given us both our tickets but when I looked at mine I saw that she had written her number on it. I was really mad at the girl, could she not see that Casey was standing right next to me. I kissed Casey on the

cheek and said, “ Let’s go babe,” just loud enough so the girl at the counter could hear.

The girl walked away form us with a disgusting look on her face and I couldn’t help but feel a little proud of myself. I looked over at Casey and she mouthed a thank you to me and I smiled, kissed her on the forehead, took her hand, and we walked into the laser tag room.

We put our gear on and I said to Casey, “ Now, I don’t want to brag, but I am kinda the champ of laser tag, so I am willing to take it easy on you .” She smiled at me and did something that I didn’t expect her to do, she kissed me, I was passionate and warm, but something didn’t feel right.  Before I knew it the buzzer went off, but I didn’t care I was just enjoying the moment. She can be so sneaky sometimes,she had shot me with the laser tag gun, and run away, I couldn’t believe that she did that. I couldn’t see her but I could hear her voice yell, “ I won’t take it easy on you if you don’t take it easy on me.” Then both her and I let out a small giggle and I said, “ deal, game on. “

I started to walk around quietly when I saw her bright white shoes underneath one of the pillars that was floating off the ground, she can be so obvious sometimes. I ran over there all ready to shoot, but when I got around the corner,

she wasn’t there.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now