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I woke up tied to a really uncomfortable chair, "hello!" I screamed into the darkness. It was pitch black and it smelt really bad, "hello Harry," I heard a voice say.\

"Who was that, c'mon show yourself!" I yelled back at whoever the person was. All of the sudden all of the lights falshed on burning my eyes a little, when I could see again I saw something I didn't like.


"What have you done with Casey!" I screamed in his face. "Oh I've done nothing with Casey, yet, but as a matter of fact she is coming over later tonight to see, what do you know, me," he snickered at me.

"Your lying you sick bastard, Casey would never come here to see an asshole like you," I spit in his face.

"See for yourself," he said to me while showing me his phone. What, no, this cant be true, Casey doesn't love him, she wouldn't agree to anything like that. I looked back up at him and said, "you call it off right now, or else."

"hahahahaha," he let out a sinical snarl. "Or else what Harry? Your gunna beat me up, because last time I checked you were tied up to a chair and your girlfriend admitted she was in love with me."

Yeah, and then there was that, but was that going to stop me, hell no! "Or else this!" I took my foot and kicked him in the balls, he let out a painful moan but I didn't stlop there. I stood up and swung the chair around hitting him in the head. Then he fell on the floor while grabbing his head. I slipped out of the ropes and bolted for the door, but there wasn't one, then I saw a latch on the cealing and a step ladder in the corner. I ran and grabbed the step ladder and bolted up it, I unlatched the hidden dorrway and climbed out. I ran outside the house and into the driveway where I saw something I didn't think I would see. "Casey?" I yelled to the end of the driveway.

"Harry!" she screamed back.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my left side and I fell to the ground.

"NOOOO!!!" Casey screamed, then I looked down, and there it was, in my left side,

I big shiny knife.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now