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" So, Casey, tell us about what you have been doing while we were in the states, I would tell you about our trip but that was pretty much the only topic of discussion over the phone when we were, " I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. " I'll get it " Harry said. He walked up to the door and just my luck, Chad.

He walked in the door and said, " hey, um, Harry right?" and for some reason Casey let out a little laugh. Harry said, " yeah come on in Brad, " and Chad said, " it's Chad actually, hey Casey." " Oh hey Chad what are you still doing here?" Casey said. Chad said, " oh for some reason my car broke down outside and I called Tom and he said that he would pick me up, so I was hoping that I could just hang out here until he gets here" I could see Harry roll his eyes and I let out a little laugh.

" Sure, " Casey said, and he plopped down on the couch. It was really awkward and quiet for a moment and Chad said, " did I just walk in to something awkward?" We shook our heads to say no and it was awkward silence for another minute. Finally Liam said, " so, tell us a little about yourself Chad." And Chad sat there and said, " well, I love to watch football and wrestling, those are my two favorite sports, I love to watch movies, obviously because me and Casey went to see a movie the other day, and I love to read." And Harry said " oh cool what movies do you like to watch?" We all looked back at Chad and he said, " Well me and Casey went to see the Lucky One yesterday, and it was really good actually." This made Casey laugh a little and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

I just put the thought aside for a minute and asked, " so, how long have you guys been a couple?" Casey and Chad looked at each other for a minute and they looked back at me and burst out laughing at the exact same time. I didn't really know why but I have to actually admit that Casey and Chad didn't look half bad together. Harry must have been thinking the same thing because he said, " aww you guys look so cute together" which made them laugh even harder. The doorbell rang and Chad said, " ahh right on time," and walked up to the door. He opened the door and Casey said, " hey Tom, Guys, I would like you to meet Tom, Chads, boyfriend." We all just smiled and said, " ohhhhhhhhhh " and laughed together, and the best part was when Tom said, " what's so funny? " which made us laugh even harder.

After we explained the whole thing to Tom and they had left Casey said, " spill it now." I looked at the boys and they gave me a glance back and Liam said, " spill what?" And Casey replied, " guys you are so obvious, I know that you are hiding something from me, so what is it?" The boys looked at each other with terrified looks on their faces and Niall said, " Casey, believe me when I say that we would tell you if we could, okay." We all looked at Casey hoping that she would give us some sympathy, and she said, " alright I will trust you guys, but you guys have to make dinner for me, well Harry does."

We said fine and Harry said, " hey why do I have to cook?" and we all looked at him and I said, " dude, Liam can barely poor his cereal the right way, Niall made brownies explode last time that he tried to cook, I don't even know how to make popcorn, Zayn would set the oven on fire, and you are asking us why you have to be the one to cook."

Harry replied by saying, " good point," and showing off his dimples which made Casey blush and say, " dammit Harry I missed those things," and gave him a big hug. I couldn't help but be a little jealous and I said to myself, "why does Harry have to have those damn dimples, it totally gives him an advantage, wait what am I thinking, this isn't some sort of competition to see who can win over Casey, right, well I certainly hope that it isn't because I really wouldn't want to ruin our friendship with Casey."

When Harry had walked into the kitchen Liam said, " oh, I almost forgot," and he pulled a little box out of his pocket and said, " hey Casey I got this for you when we were in the states." He opened the box and Casey said, " oh my god Liam, you really didn't have to get that for me." I looked inside the box and it was a charm bracelet, wait, he didn't get that for her in the states, he would have told us about it. Oh my god, Liam was trying to win Casey over. Liam said, " if you look, it has all of our names on it, and you can keep adding things to it to represent the adventures that we'll have together."

Casey blushed and said, " its perfect, I love it, thank you so much Liam." Liam pulled her into a hug and he said, " anything for my girl," and he gave her a peck on the cheek.

Whoa, hold up, this was not happening, were we really all falling for Casey, and was Liam really trying to get her to fall for him. No I am dreaming,

I have to be.

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