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Harry and I walked upstairs and when we got into my room I shut the door behind us and I said, " Harry, you aren't mad at me are you?" I told him this because I seriously thought that he was mad at me. " CC, why on earth would I be mad, you are happy, and that is what is important, not who you date, I am happy for you." He looked me in my eyes when he said this and then he pulled me into one of his big Harry bear hugs.

" Well, " I began, " don't get me wrong, I am happy, it's just, " I stopped there because I really didn't want to say his name, but I had to tell someone, so I held back the tears and said, " Bryce." " Oh, so that's what this is about, " he responded. He sat on the bed next to me for a moment and said, " what about him?" This is what really killed me, I wanted to tell him so bad, but what would he think of me.

" It's just, you know that we have history, and you know that the history isn't exactly the greatest, and," I stopped there because Harry was looking at me like a confused puppy. Then it hit me, " oh my God, I never told you what happened did I?" He shook his head to say no and then he said, " It's just, every time that I bring up his name, you get this horrified look on your face and, I figured, why talk about it if it is just going to make you unhappy/"

He looked down at the ground and then looked back up at me," But, Casey, you do realize that I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened," he looked at my eyes when he said this, and I knew that I had to tell him. If not him, then who, I couldn't tell Liam, no way, the last thing I want is for my boyfriend to worry about me the entire time that we were on tour. boyfriend, just the fact that I can call him my boyfriend is just, wow, like I never thought that it was even possible.

" Umm, Casey?" Harry said. " What, oh sorry lost in thought, " I responded, " anyway, the thing with Bryce it's just, I, uh, can you just promise me that, whatever I tell you, it won't change a thing between us." He grabbed my shoulders and said, " of course, nothing could change our friendship CC, you have to know that." He rubbed my back which calmed me down a little, but not very much, you could pretty much see the nerves floating around the room.

" Well, " I began, " remember when we were in the X factor and Bryce asked me out, well, it started out as a great date, we went out for dinner, we went to a movie, and after the movie we went back to my dorm room, apparently Bryce knew someone and was able to get beers. I didn't have any but, he did, he actually had 5, and he was really drunk, and I mean he could barely stand he was so drunk. He went to the kitchen to make us both sandwiches, and at the time I just thought that it would be funny to see what he came up with. But, after he left, his phone buzzed and I yelled for him but he didn't hear me. So, I grabbed his phone and looked at the screen and it said, " I had to pause for a minute because this was really hard for me to get out.

" You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Harry said to me sweetly. I wanted to just let it all out, just cry my eyes out, but I had to stay strong, I knew that I had waited too long to tell this to someone. So, I continued, " I looked at his phone and it said, * hey baby, just wanted you 2 no that we r dun, i saw u on a date with sum blonde girl, and dont bother txting back, cus im delete ur # *

I was so shocked by what it said, that I stood there for a minute and didn't know what to do, but finally I marched into the kitchen and screamed, how dare you, you have a girlfriend, you used me, like I was just one of your toys, how could you. I didn't say anything after that because he came charging at me and he pushed me up against a wall and whispered to me, I don't care about you, nobody..." I stopped, took a deep breath, and Harry rubbed my back again. " He said, I don't care about you, nobody does, you are just a little worthless nobody, and I started to cry, which he didn't like, I could tell that he was really drunk because he, he, " I decided that I might as well just show him.

I let out a big sigh and I lifted up my shirt to show him the scar I had on my left hip. He let out a gasp and said, " he cut you," I nodded my head in agreement and said, " yeah, he cut me, and bolted." I looked down at the ground and I felt a tear slide down my left cheek, " Harry, please don't tell Liam about this, I don't want him to worry about me, can we just keep this between us?"

He pulled me into a hug and I laid my head in the crook of his neck, I just sat there, and cried, and I never wanted him to let go. When he moved away he only had one arm around me and I was still leaning on his shoulder, he looked down at me and said, " I promise Casey, this will just be our little secret and don't worry,

I will protect you."

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