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1 YEAR LATER........

After the whole Bryce incedent you will be happy to know that he was sentenced to jail for 20 years, so I got some time with no worries. Liam and I are fine, I still love him with all my heart and he loves me too. Harry who was of course the most devistated that I had chosen Liam and not him had actually met another girl named Maddy who are now a happy couple. And ironically Maddy had a sister named Kennedy who Louis fell in love with when he laid eyes on her, they are also a very happy couple right now. but don't worry, Niall and Zayn found people too, Niall found this really sweet girl named Caitlyn, and Zayn is now dating a cool girl named Perrie. Everybody is happy, everything is fine, life is great, and for once, life is normal.

So for the celebration of life finally being normal for all of us, Liam and I decided to take a nice long stroll in the park.

"Can you belive that all of that stuff happened to all of us only a year agp," Liam said to me quietly while he held my small delicate hand in his rather large one.

"I know right, it feels like only yesterday, well there is one thing that I don't think could have happened overnight," we both laughed and looked down at my rather large stomach. Yup, I was pregnent, it was a girl and we were thinking of naming her Emily. "Plus this couldn't have been yesterday, becasue right now, everything is perfect, every mystery was solved, every knife putten away, and my life has never been better," I said to him while giving him a small peck on the lips.

"Well..." Liam said as he stopped walking and I turned around to face him.

"Well?" I asked him now getting a bit nervous.

"Not, everything was solved," he said making my heart skip a beat and my stomach twist into a billion tiny knots.

"What do you mean?" I asked him waiting for the truth.

He smiled at me, leaned forward, and whispered in my ear, "I never did find out what was in that suitcase of yours."


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