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“ Casey we need to talk, “ Liam said to me in a sweet voice, but there was something about his tone that didn’t sound right. “ This is really hard for me to do but, I think that we need to break up. “ I just stood there on the top of the bus and looked at his beautiful brown eyes. Wait why am I on top of a bus, wait, why is Liam wearing a panda suit, wait, why am I wearing a panda suit! Okay this was officially a dream, but for some reason my mind just didn’t want me to wake up, so I decided to continue on with the conversation.

“ But Liam, why, I love you,” I said to him while trying my best not to cry. “ I have to do this Casey, because I love you, “ and before I knew it his lips came crashing down into mine. Sparks flew everywhere, the kiss was perfect, it was rough, but warm and soft at the same time, it was like he never wanted it to end, and neither did I.

But as I have heard some genius on the internet say, all good things must come to an end. When he pulled away, I stared into his eyes and he stared right back into mine. We stayed like that for a moment, just enjoying each others company, it was silent, but not a weird and awkward silence, no. It was a warm and comforting silence, I loved how we could just do this for hours, and I think that it was one of the many things that I was going to miss about him, about us.

“ CC? “ I was awaken by Liams so comforting and familiar voice that I loved so much and would forever hold onto, especially after that dream. “ Liam? “ I asked as my eyes fluttered open. My eyes opened up to see a white room with a little table next to me and all five of the boys sitting next to me, but why was I sleeping, and why was I in a bed, and where was I. “ Liam! “ I said in a more panicked voice, I started to breathe more heavily and for some reason I felt like I was going to pass out, I tried to move but I had a needle in my arm connected to a long wire which prevented me from doing so.

“ I’m here CC, don’t worry I am right next to you, “ I looked to my right to see his dark brown eyes staring at me, but his eyes were all read and puffy like he had been crying. “ Casey, are you okay? “ I looked at him and opened my mouth to tell him that I was fine, but I quickly closed it because the truth was that I didn’t know if I was okay, I mean I just woke up in a hospital for goodness sake, “ yah I think that I am, why wouldn’t I be, “ I said, but even I could hear the shakiness in my voice, and for some reason I just noticed that it was freezing in here. “ Well you woke up crying so I just didn’t know, holy crap Casey, you’re shaking like a chihuahua, come here, “ I scooted over in my hospital bed to make room for him and he climbed in and slipped his arms around my waist and I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

“ Casey I have to talk to you... “ he began to say, “ can you sing to me Laim? “ I interrupted him but I really didn’t care at the moment, for some reason his soothing voice was what I really wanted to hear right now, I guess I was still a little shaken up from that dream. He gave me a warm smile and kissed me on my forehead ,” of course baby, “ he said to me sweetly.

“ Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me.... “ He started to sing Little things to me which was my all time favorite song by the band and it was perfect. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I never got to hear the end of it though, because his comforting song made me doze off to sleep, and for once in my life I actually went to sleep knowing that I was completely safe in his arms,

well, thinking that I was anyway.

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