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"What do you mean that he's gone?" I asked Niall with a worried expression.

Harry wouldn't just leave like that, he knew that this could mean my life, and Liam's.

"Bryce came and knocked him unconscious, I tried to stop him but then he picked Harry up and threw him over his shoulder and threatened to shoot him if I stepped any closer," Niall said still trying to catch his breath.

I just stared at Niall in complete shock, but I didn't cry, no, I wasn't sad right now, but I was extremely pissed. "That bastard!" I shouted probably waking up the entire hotel.

"Casey calm down," Liam whispered from behind me putting his hand on my shoulder.

But I was to pissed to handle anything right now, "no, Liam, I will not settle down, my best friend and first kiss was just kidnapped by my ex and you want me to be calm? "

Liam looked at me with a shocked expression and said, "your best friend and your what?"

That was when I realized what I had just said, "my first kiss, Liam, Harry was my first kiss, but I want you to know that this doesn't change anything between us. I just blurted it out, I don't like him like that anymore, please believe me," I asked him begging for mercy.

Liam thought about it for a second before saying, "lets just focus on getting Harry back right now," then he turned around and walked back into the hotel room.

What did i do?


Hello lovelies,

So so so sorry for

1. Not updating in like forever

2. Writing a short chapter

But thank you so much for reading my book, I just woke up today and it said that 650 of you wonderful people have read this, and I was like, wtf !!!!!!??????

Anyway, thanks, don't forget to comment and vote!

Love you all


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