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“Guys, aren’t we forgetting something,” I said while pointing to Casey. “Oh right,” Niall said, “well I heard that when a person is knocked out from shock, you are supposed to wake them up so they don’t slip into a coma.” We all nodded our heads and thought about how we were going to wake her up. “Oh I know,” Liam said, “true loves kiss.”

You have gotta be kidding me, “Liam she’s unconscious not poisoned,” I said. “So, it worked in cinderella didn’t it,” he retorted. “Okay one, Cinderella is a fairy tale, two, it is the wrong fairy tale, and three, are you sure that you aren’t a 6 year old in a 19 year old’s body?” I asked, I really couldn’t hold that in, it was the perfect chance to tease him. The boys laughed at my joke and Louis said, “okay, lets try pouring a bucket of cold water on her.” We all thought about it, and considering that we didn’t have any better ideas, it was worth a try.

Niall and Zayn went to the kitchen and filled a bucket up with cold water and brought it into the living room. They held the bucket above Casey and Niall said, “One, two...” “WAIT!!!,” Louis screamed. “What now?” Zayn asked. Louis ran out of the room and screamed, “we have to twitcam this!” He ran into his bedroom and got his laptop, when he came back out he said, “we will just say that she is a really sound sleeper.”

It wasn’t the best excuse but it would work. When he turned the camera on and told the world what was happening, he gave Niall and Zayn the go signal. “One, two, three!!!” Niall screamed and dumped the cold bucket of water all over Casey.

She twitched a little bit but she didn’t actually wake up, fail. “Oh I got an idea,” Liam said and ran into the bedroom. when he came back out he had ear muffs on and something behind his back. He gave us a devious look and said, “one, two, three” “HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK!!!” He pulled a blowhorn out from behind his back. All the boys covered their ears and Louis even let out a little baby girl scream. Well the whole world has just witnessed the one and only, Louis Tomlinson.

Casey still hadn’t woken up and we had run out of ideas. Paul came in the living room and we panicked, we covered Casey up with a blanket and Paul said, “hey guys whatcha doin?” All of us panicked for a minute, what were we going to tell Paul? “Hey Paul, Casey is being threatened by a psycho with a knife who also happens to be the dude you hired to sing with Casey, oh and she is passed out on the couch right now,” yeah, no. But Zayn being his mysterious sneaky self said, “oh we were just talking about how we were going to style our hair for the first concert. Not exactly the best thing he could have said, but none of us could have come up with anything better.

“Okaaaayyyy....” Pauls said with who knows what going through his mind at the moment, “anyway, I need to talk to Casey, where is she?” Oh no, “oh she is just taking a nap,” Liam said while pointing to Casey. “Oh well can you wake her up, I need to talk to her about the songs that she and Bryce are going to do,” Paul said. “Ummm, sure, “ Liam said. “Umm, Casey, it’s time to wake up know, Paul wants to talk to you,” Liam said while shaking Casey gently. She layed there for a moment and I thought to myself, “we are so screwed.” But to my surprise she actually woke up!

“You have got to be kidding me!” Louis screamed without thinking

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now