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We were just standing outside of our bedrooms in disbelief, did that really just happen, did we all just say that we were in love with Casey? The tension was so thick in the room that it could have been cut through with scissors.

The awkward silence was interrupted by my phone buzzing, I looked and it was a text from Casey, I said, " guys, we are going to have to forget about what just happened for a while, Casey just texted me and she said that she would be here in 10." The boys still didn't say a word so I texted back saying that we needed 20 minutes and she texted back, K, " okay now we have 20 minutes." The boys just stared at each other without saying a word and Louis finally said, " okay guys, I know that was weird but we can just ignore it for like what 7 hours right, and I have a major prank that I want to pull on Casey, and this is the perfect opportunity for it, please."

We stared at each other for a few minutes and Niall finally said, "yeah guys, I think that would be best." And all of the boys just nodded their heads in agreement. I asked Louis, "so what's the plan this time?"

Louis said, " okay guys, we are going to get into Caseys house and pretend like we are burglars, then when Casey comes downstairs from her shower we will all jump out from behind her and grab her." We all thought about it for a minute, and normal people would have probably said something like, " are you nuts." But we aren't normal and we said, " okay lets go."

When we got to her house, we grabbed the spare key that she always kept under the plant where she keeps her daisy's, we got into the house and made sure to slam the door extra loud so she would hear it from her shower. When we heard the water turn off we all ran and hid behind things in her house.

Niall hid in the closet next to the staircase, Liam hid behind the couch, Louis and Zayn hid behind her kitchen counter, and I hid under the table right next to the door. The table had a cloth on it though so she couldn't see me.

Casey walked down the stairs, hair still wet, and hairspray in hand. She looked around the staircase and almost saw me, but I guess she didn't because she looked away from me. She must have thought that she was alone because she lowered her hand that she held the hairspray in, and jumped down the stairs. She looked around and started to say, " what the.... " but was interrupted by Niall sneaking out of the closet and grabbing her from behind.

She screamed really loudly and sprayed the Hairspray in Niall's face. This made Niall scream like a little girl, and it made Casey run out the door. She slammed the door behind her and just kept running and running and running. I looked out the door and screamed, " Casey " but she just kept going.

While the other boys were making sure that Niall was okay, I started to chase after her. She must haven't seen me because she stopped and started to breathe heavily. I ran up behind her, grabbed her by the waist, covered her mouth, and screamed, " Casey!"

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