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I just sat there on my couch crying, was this really happening, did I really just get a call from Harry saying that they were leaving again? I heard him say some stuff after that but I have no idea what it was because I kinda zoned out after he told me that they were leaving. But to be honest I didn't care what it was because they were leaving. Who knows how long it will be until I see them again.

I heard a knock on my door and I jumped a little, I didn't really want company right now. But I knew that I couldn't just leave the person standing at my door. So I got up, dried the tears from my face as best as I could, and started walking to the door. The person banged on the door again, but this time louder and harder, I screamed, " coming!" and opened the door. It was Harry.

He stood there for a minute without saying anything, but he could tell that I was crying and he said, " come here." I ran to him and he embraced me in his arms, never letting go. He started to stroke my hair and he said, " what's wrong love?"

Was he serious, he just told me that he was leaving me and he was wondering what was wrong. I know that boys can be oblivious sometimes but this was just plain stupidity. I said, " you have got to be kidding, you just told me that you were leaving me and you are asking me what is wrong." I looked at his piercing green eyes and he stared deep into mine. He said after a minute, " did you not hear anything else that I said on the phone?" and I shook my head to say no.

He said, " no wonder you were crying, Casey, after you zoned out I will be happy to let you know that I told you that you should be our opening act on tour." He smiled at me showing off his damn dimples again and of course I couldn't help but blush a little. I guess this was the first time that he noticed that I blushed because he said, " what is it?" I smiled at him and I said, " those damn dimples of yours, they, always make me blush." He let out a little laugh and said, " Casey," but stopped.

I said, " Harry, what is it?" and he looked at me and said, " forget it." I felt a little hurt by this, why were the boys keeping secrets from me all of the sudden. I wasn't going to give up this easy this time though, and I said, " Harry, I know that you guys have been keeping a secret from me lately, so spill it." He looked at me and I could see the sadness in his eyes and he said, " its just, I can't." But I refused to let it go and I said, " Harry please tell me." I looked at him but he stood up, turned away from me and said, " its just, Casey, I, I can't, Ugh."

" Harry, you can't what?" I stood up and he turned around and before I knew it, his lips crashed into mine. It felt like we were the only two people in the world at that moment. There were shivers going up and down my back and my stomach was full of butterflies. When he finally backed away he said, " that, Casey, is what I can't do." And he turned away from me and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Harry," I said while moving closer to him, " Casey, please don't hate..." before he could finish I kissed him again, it was only a peck but it was still passionate and it meant a lot to me. I pulled away, looked deep into his eyes and said to him, " do you know how long I have waited for you to do that?" He smiled at me and said, " well that makes two of us." I smiled and I could feel the blood rushing up into my cheeks.

" So, what does this make us?" I said while putting my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist, pulled me closer and said, " whatever you want love." I smiled at him and he kissed me on my temple. He pulled me into a hug and we just stood there in silence for a moment. But it was a good silence, we were enjoying each others company and I just lived in the moment, and everything was happy.

When he pulled away from me and sat on the couch, the smile disappeared from his face and I said, " what?" He just sat there for a minute and I sat down next to him, he finally said, " well there might be just one little problem with this relationship." I looked up and said, " and what would that be?"

He stood up turned towards me and said, " well this might sound crazy but, Casey, it isn't just me who feels this way about you. It's all of us, and literally right before I got here I made a pact with the guys that none of us would make a move, and now... " he trailed off and shrugged his shoulders. " Ohhh, " I said, " yeah " he replied.

He pulled me into a hug which felt really relaxing and after a minute I guess I just had some sort of brainstorm and I said, " well, who said that the boys had to know about us." He smiled and showed off his dimples. He kissed me on my temple and gave me another hug. I felt so happy at that moment, like all the worries in the world were just, gone. Until the doorbell rang.

I said, " I'll get it," and walked away from Harry. He followed me to the door but when I opened it, nobody was there. He said look and pointed to a car driving off into the distance, wait, no, that wasn't just a car, that was Louis car. Harry must have been thinking the same thing and he said, " you don't think that he saw anything do you?" I said to him, " actually I think that he did, look." I picked up a note that was laying on the front porch and it said:

I hope you two are happy.


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