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“ Harry?” I turned around to see Harry standing behind me. “ Oh my god Harry, I am so glad you are here, somebody broke into my house and grabbed me from behind and...” “ Casey!” Harry screamed at me, he started to smile and the smile turned into, dimples, which turned into laughter.

I just sat there like a confused puppy for a minute watching him roll around on the ground laughing his head off, I finally said, “ Harry what the hell are you laughing at, I could have been kidnapped!” But this made him only laugh harder. He finally stood up and said, “ Casey come with me, I have something to show you.”

He started walking towards my house and when we got there he stopped in front of the door and said, “ please don’t hate us for this.” I said, “ hate you for what?” but he was already inside. When I walked in I saw Niall over in the kitchen spraying himself with the hose that came from the sink, and the other boys were laying on the floor laughing. When they walked in they said to me, “ oh my god Casey, that was hilarious.” I just looked at them for a minute and it finally came to me. “ Oh my god, you guys didn’t!” i said, but this really set them off because they all exploded with laughter and started rolling on the floor again.

When they finally stopped laughing after like, ten minutes I said, “ usually I would be pissed at you guys, but right now I am just happy to see you.” they all came up to me and gave me a big group hug, Liam said, “ Casey we missed you so much” and I said, “ I missed you guys too, but I swear if you ever do that to me again I will personally come up to all of you and kick each and every one of you in the crotch so hard that you will need freakin surgery, got it.” And they all responded, “got it.”

“ Why did you guys even do this?” And Niall said, “ Why did you spray me in the eye with your beauty products!” And I told him, “ because I thought that a kidnapper had grabbed me smart one.” He looked at me and said, “ oh yeah “ and let out a little laugh. Then I said, “ you still didn’t answer my question, why did you guys do that to me?”

The guys looked at each other like they knew something really important that was killing them inside. After a little while Louis finally said, “ well, I guess we just wanted to have a little fun.” He smiled at me which totally gave it away, the boys were lying to me. But why would they lie to me, and what was it about? I decided to put the topic away for a little while because I had a bad feeling about it, so I finally said, “ okay well I hope that it was fun for you guys” in a sarcastic voice, and Zayn said, “ I think that I speak for all of the boys when I said that it definitely was.” This made everybody laugh, even me.

But for some strange reason I couldn’t figure out why they were lying to me, usually these guys were an open book, they were my best friends we went through everything together, even when I had cancer they were there for me, so why are they keeping secrets from me now.

Best friends don’t keep secrets from each other,


1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now