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The entire car ride home was completely silent. When we got inside the apartment Zayn said, " guys, meeting, living room, now." We all walked to the living room in awkward silence, and when we got there Niall said, " okay, what the hell is going on, are we all seriously falling for Casey?" We all just sat there for a minute thinking about what Niall had said, and I said, " well somebody say something!"

Louis finally said, "sorry guys but you have to admit, if this was a competition, I'd smoke all you bitches." A smile lit up an all of our faces but faded away quickly. Typical Louis, always trying to lighten the mood. It went back to awkward silence when Liam finally said, " okay guys it is obvious that we all like Casey," and Niall said, " like, I think that it is a little more then like her." We all nodded in agreement and Harry said, " guys, I don't know what to do, you all know that me and Casey have history, and that I like her, alot, but pals before gals, man only if Bryce was here, he would know what to do.""

~~~~ Harry's flashback ~~~~

It was week one of the X Factor and by then I had met Casey, we had become really good friends, mostly because we were both in the same situation, we had left home, wanted to be famous, here we were. We talked a lot and some people started to get the impression that we were dating, which we both agreed would be weird because we had only met a week before now.

Then we met Bryce. He was only a year older than me and Casey but toward over us like a skyscraper. He had a really sad story about how his dad had died in the war and he used to get bullied because of it. Now he was looking for a job, loved to sing, and here he was.

Me Casey and Bryce were really good friends at the time. One day me and Casey were trying to figure out the whole, how to get people to stop thinking we were dating thing, and we decided to ask Bryce what we should do.

We walked up to him and I said, " Hey Bryce, we have something that we need to ask you," " anything," he replied. Me and Casey looked at each other and Casey said, " well there has been some rumor started that me and Harry are dating, which we both agreed was weird," " so weird," I said. " so," Casey continued, " we were wondering how we could get rid of the rumors, do you have any ideas?" He tapped his chin, trying to think of something and said, " well maybe you guys can date, like, for real." Me and Casey looked at each other and shivered at the thought and Bryce said, " okay considering that the shivers mean no, well," he said while walking towards Casey, " Casey, I have been wanting to ask you out lately, but I haven't really had the courage yet, so, Maybe we could go out sometime." He smiled at Casey, Casey started to blush and she looked down at her shoes out of nervousness, when she looked back up at Bryce she said, " I would like that." And they gave each other huge smiles and Casey blushed again.

I said, " well this is great, now we have a solution for our rumor problem, thanks Bryce. " They both looked a little startled when I said this and they both let out a little laugh, I blushed and said, "I totally just ruined the moment, didn't I." We all started to laugh and Casey said, " it's fine," and I said, " well I will leave you two lovebirds alone." And I left the room. I don't know what happened exactly later that night, but Casey called me at like, 2 in the morning and I said a groggy, " hellr," and she said, " Harry," and by the sound of it I could tell that she was crying. I said to her, " what's wrong babe?" while getting out of bed and throwing on a shirt at the same time, she sniffled a little and said to me, " can you just come to my room," as I was bolting out the door, I said, " I'm already on my way, just hold on." I hung up the phone and literally started to sprint down the hallway. When I finally got to Casey's room I knocked on her door and she opened it almost instantly. When she opened the door she gave me the biggest hug ever.

I looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes, and I said, " do you want to talk about it?" and she shook her head to say no. I picked her up and laid her down on her bed, I climbed into bed with her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I started to stroke her hair and I whispered to her, " everything's gonna be fine love, I promise, I'm here for you, and I always will be, okay." I gave her a small kiss on her temple and she said to me, " Harry," but fell asleep in my arms before she finished.

~~~~~ Out of flashback ~~~~~

" Harry! " Louis screamed at me. "What, what, what is it?" The boys looked at me with weird looks and Liam said, " you were in lala land or something," and I asked," was I?" The boys looked at each other and then back at me and Niall said, " yeah, for like, 5 minutes." I suddenly remembered what we were talking about and I said to the guys, " guys, I know that we all like Casey, but we have to put this behind us, I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to ruin my friendship with Casey, so can we please just forget that this whole thing ever happened?" The boys all nodded in agreement and I went to my bedroom. I hate lying to the guys, but there was no way that I was going to give up that easy on Casey.

Even if it meant dating her, behind their backs.

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