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I sat there and just stared at her, I just stared at Casey like a creepy stalker but I didn’t care, she was so adorable, it would be a crime to not be looking at her. “ Like what you see?” she teased which made me snap back to reality. I do very much, “ I clearly stated which made her let out a small giggle, damn she was adorable when she did that.

We had just gotten back from the laser tag place and she was working on one of her songs that she was going to sing for the concert. I quietly sneaked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, she didn’t look up but she did smile a little. “ Whatcha workin on? “ I asked her. But as soon as she realized that I was looking she shut her laptop and said, “ nothing, “ and walked away.

I couldn’t help but think that the song that she was working on was about me,  I mean she made it seem like it anyway. I turned around to say something to her but when I turned around she wasn’t there. “ Casey!” I called out, but there was no answer. We were alone on the bus so it wasn’t like she went somewhere with somebody, I mean the bus was moving so she had to be on it. “ Casey!” I called out again, this time a little louder. I got a little scared when she didn’t answer that time, where was she? I started to run to the bedroom and once again I screamed, “ Casey, where are.... “ but I wasn’t able to finish because I tripped over something.

I hit the ground with a loud “ thump !” but quickly got up to look at what I had tripped on. My mouth dropped at what I saw. There lying on the floor was Casey with a huge cut on the side of her cheek, passed out, and really pale. “ Casey!” I yelled while trying to shake her awake. Who did this to her?

My thoughts were interrupted by the bus stopping causing me to fly forward. I got up and looked around but we were alone, then I heard the front on the bus slam shut. I got up and sprinted to the door but when I got there and opened it, nothing, I saw nothing. We had just arrived at Harry’s house and all that was there was his front yard. I took one last look around before going back inside to tend to Casey. When I was on my way back to Casey My phone rang, and still walking I picked it up. “  This is Liam, “ I said into the phone.

“ Listen up pretty boy, “ the voice on the other side of the phone said, “ you break up with Casey and never tell her why, got it, if you don’t, then the next cut on her face will be a little closer to her neck. Oh and don’t even think about calling the cops about this, unless you want one of your little friends to go mysteriously missing one day, got it? “

Who was this guy, and why did he want me to break up with Casey? “ Who the hell are you? “ I screamed into the phone. “ Hahahahaha, “ the voice made a sinister laugh and said, “ that is for me to know and for you to never find out, this stays between us, you got 24 hours boy, then the girl is mine. “ I heard I click and the line went dead. I just sat there in shock for a moment and finally put my phone down, and looked down at Casey’s lifeless body.

I loved her so much, how could I break up with her, I couldn’t, but I had to, I couldn’t bear for her to get hurt, not again. Oh my god, Bryce, it had to be him, well he was in for a load of pain next time I saw him. Wait, no, maybe it wasn’t him, and I couldn’t jump to conclusions, I knew what I had to do, but I couldn’t, I loved her so much,

I am not going to break up with Casey, and that’s final.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now