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I was just sitting on the couch playing on my phone and Louis bursts out of his bedroom and scared the living daylights out of me, he screams, " everybody, Casey is coming with us, can you believe it, the love of my life is coming with us!!!" We all just stared at him for a minute, did he really just say that, after we all agreed to never make a move on Casey. I finally said, " what did you just say?" and for a minute I don't think that he realized what he had said, and when he did he said, " Casey is coming on tour with us, can we just focus on that."

We all just shrugged our shoulders in agreement because, we all knew that it was going to take longer than a couple of days to forget about our feelings for Casey, I mean, in my case it might take a lifetime. To break all the awkward silence I said, " So Louis, how did you convince Paul to let Casey come with us?"

He explained to us how he had convinced Paul with his pleading voice and how he told him that Casey was an amazing singer. We all just shook our heads at this and nodded in agreement, I think that we would have usually acted more excited about this if it wasn't for what Louis had said. I realized that there was one person who we hadn't told yet that we had to, Casey. So I was about to call her number when my phone died, I said, " hey Harry can I borrow your phone to call Casey?" He said, " sure," and tossed me his phone.

I dialed the number and it rang for a second then when Casey picked up she said something that I did not expect. She said, " Harry I think that we should have thought this through a little more, I mean this whole, dating behind the boys backs thing, I don't know, it just doesn't seem right, plus to be honest, I, like someone else, I would tell you who it is but, I think that it would just make everything even more awkward than it already is, but, please don't take this the wrong way, I still love you just, as a friend."

I couldn't believe my ears, Casey and Harry, were, dating! And behind our backs too, I couldn't believe what she said, and frankly,I didn't really know how to respond, so, I just said, " Casey?" It was dead silence for a minute and before I knew it, Casey just hung up.

" Liam wait!"Harry came bursting into the room and I was so mad at him I almost punched him, but I kept my cool and I just said, " you and Casey?" He looked like I had just dropped a bomb on his life and he said, " Li, it's not what you think, " " NOT WHAT I THINK! Okay then tell me Harry styles, if you and Casey are not dating and she didn't just call to break up with you and you are not lying to me, then tell me, is this why you said that we should all forget about her, and is this why you said that we should just move on, so that you could be with her, so that you could have her all to yourself, well Harry, that is what I think, and if what I think is wrong, then please inform me on what is going on, because I would like to know!"

Dead, silence, for about 2 minutes, it was the most awkward stage I had ever been in and he just sat there, like a nimrod, and said, absolutely nothing. I waited, and I waited, and I waited, until I figured out that he didn't have an answer and what I thought,

was true.

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now