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“ Who would do this to me ? “ I screamed while sitting down on one of the beds. “ Casey I don’t know but you have to calm down, screaming isn’t going to fix anything. “ Liam was in the bedroom with me and he was trying to calm me down, but nothing was really working at the moment. “ Liam, I’m scared, “ I said to him. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. “ Come here, “ he said to me, and I didn’t resist. I ran into his arms and I just broke down in front of him. But I didn’t really care, Liam would understand, he always does.

“ Look Casey, there is something that I have to tell you something and you’re not going to like it. “ Liam said to me, what was going on, was he breaking up with me, did he know who did this to me, did he do this to me? so many questions were running through my head at the moment I felt lightheaded. “ Casey, oh no Casey, here just lie down on the bed, “ Liam told me which really wasn’t very hard considering that I felt like I was going to pass out any way. “ Liam, you’re not breaking up with me are you “ I looked up and it looked like he was going to start to cry. Liam cupped my cheek and said, “ no,

Casey I will never break up with you, why would you think that ?”

“ I don’t really know to be honest, but if that isn’t it then what were you going to tell me?” This time I was really worried, he looked like he was about to throw up. “ Casey, after I found you on the ground, I got a text, and it was a death threat, it said that if I didn’t break up with you then you would be hurt, possibly killed, but now I realize that the person who sent this text had to be bluffing, because this guy is never going to get past all of the bodyguards, including me and the boys, and I really don’t care what this guy says that he is going to do, I could never leave you. “

I was in tears, he was so sweet, and honestly, I wasn’t worried at all, I was just a little confused on who cut me, “ so you told the rest of the guys about this?” I asked. “ Yup and they all agreed on doing whatever they can to protect you, well the only thing was for some reason it took Niall a while to decide but he eventually said yes. “ This kinda confused me, besides Harry and Liam, Niall was definitely the most protective. He was always the person I went to when me and Harry weren't really getting along. Don’t get me wrong, Liam was great and I loved him with all my heart, but me and Niall just kinda had a special bond. “ Yeah he has been kinda distant for the last few days hasn’t he, where is Niall by the way?”

Almost as if on cue, Niall came bursting through the door. “ I can’t take this anymore, I have to tell you guys, “ he screamed. Liam stood up off the bed and walked over to Niall, “ what is it ?” he asked him. Niall looked like he was about to explode but after he told us I thought that I was going to, he said, “ Guys, I did it, I was the one who hurt Casey. “

I was really surprised, but not as surprised as Liam. In fact he was so surprised that he punched Niall right in the jaw and pinned him to the ground, “ how could you !” he screamed right in Nialls face. He was about to punch him again when Niall said, “ I didn’t mean to, I was drugged. “

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now