4) Why are you here?

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Riley managed to deep clean the entire apartment, getting most of the smell out. She figured if they had to sleep where bodies had been, then at least Jack, would need to have a sense of clean. Wade and herself, they could handle it, now that they knew it was there. She had a feeling it would be another night of nightmares or just not sleeping. Being awake with it and knowing where she is in the apartment id different than going to sleep and being reminded that this is faintly what her life smelled like for seven years. With a deep sigh, she showered, threw her hair into a messy bun, changed into ripped skinny jeans and a tight red tee with her good pushup bra. She knew her uncles hated her helping them at the bar but until she found a better job, the tips were good and she knew the merc/chip system if they were there for work instead of a drink. Plus, her uncles were still away checking on whoever dropped bodies in their home.

Heading downstairs after applying some makeup and ensuring her bandage didn't show under the tight fabric, she found herself at the bar. Vanessa, one of her uncles' best friend was already working and caught sight of her. "GIRL! Dang, you walk in late but look good doing it. How are you?"

Riley smiled and was about to respond when both her collarbones started to burn a little. "Oh no, not here. Not now. Of course two would be mercenaries. Shit, do I hide or face the music?" She looked up at Vanessa after her little rant, but gave no physical indicator that she felt two of her soulmates near. 


Meanwhile, the boys had been sitting for a couple hours, receiving glares from several of the bar's patrons. They mostly shook it off but Sam felt the need to speak up. "So, why are we stalking a woman who neither of you met and have only spoken to over the phone? Do you know her name? Get a description? Have a basic profile? Anything?" Steve and Tony both glanced at the other before realizing Sam was right. "Shut it Birdbrain. We will know because she was the one who was stabbed earlier today. She won't be as alert or lively." Steve raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless. 

"Okay guys, this is getting ridiculous, the only woman here is the bartender who opened the place and she already let you interrogate her. Let's get out of here." Steve and Tony nodded and stood up with sad looks on their faces. Sam couldn't help but laugh at their misery. He began to wonder how a single woman got them both so knotted up from just a phone call. As he thought about it, he smiled more and hoped he was right. Not wanting them to sulk the entire trip home, he reminded them that if she wasn't there, it meant she probably listened to them and went home. This had both of them smiling and nodding like kids who got asked if they wanted candy. Sam shook his head and began to move towards the exit as a big guy crossed him arms and glared. Looking back, he saw both his friends scratching their ribs and looking around the room. "Oh Shit!" 

There was only one other woman in the room and all three men looked at her simultaneously. She was helping other customers and not looking the least bit phased. Steve and Tony both took in her small frame, the fact that she was curvy, and looked extremely fit as well. She looked strong but still feminine. They knew they had met their soulmate simply because there would never be another woman who could compare in their eyes. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, it looked like a darker red color and as she stood next to the first bartender, they couldn't help but smile and nod at how short she appeared. Maybe standing at five foot two if they were being generous. As they stood, openly staring, at her she looked up at them. She smiled and watched as they approached the bar.

Riley decided to have some fun with the trio of men seeing as two of them were her soulmates. She continued to ignore the burn and ache in her collarbones, giving her full attention to all of the customers at the bar. She had noticed Tiny glaring at the man who wasn't her soulmate and decided to keep an eye out. She didn't want to clean up after yet another bar brawl tonight. 

"Hello boys, what can I get you?" She watched her two soulmates open and close their mouths a couple times before the other man spoke up. "You are going to give them a run for their money aren't you?" 

"They are two of the original members of the avengers, I am sure they can handle some cardio."

The man began laughing hard at the woman's humor. "Be careful what you wish for. Technically speaking, there are lots of ways to get that cardio.... in."

"Don't I know it." She smirked and winked at the man before he extended his hand. "Sam Wilson." She took it and shook firmly. "Good to meet you. You boys do realize this isn't your scene though, yeah?"

Looking around, Sam nodded before turning to his friends who were now sending death glares towards him. 

Riley leaned in towards Sam and nodded at the two others. "They don't talk much, hmm? Slightly broken?"

"Honestly, this is a first. Tony never shuts up and Steve seems to always have a conversation using just his facial expressions."

"Well, in that case, pretty sure Steve has killed you a few times now. How does being dead feel Mr. Falcon-Sir?"

Before he could respond with more than a smile, Tony spoke up. "Don't call him that!! You haven't even spoken to us and you're flirting with a bonded man who isn't even your soulmate!"

Steve turned an accusing glare to her and she raised an eyebrow at him. Turning her attention back to Tony she smirked at his outburst. "I did speak to the both of you first, you two couldn't do more than imitate a fish out of water. I then began speaking to the only one of you capable of finding his tongue. Now, I am working, this is a bar. I am behind the bar, my ability to flirt literally pays my bills. Do you want me to compare my flirting with your own exploits Mr. Stark?"

All three men's eyes widened at her. She had just stood up to THE Tony Stark. Tiny made his way over to them, "Hey sweets, these three bothering you?"

She smiled kindly at him, which made all three avengers stiffen as they contemplated her answer. "Not at all Tiny, thank you for checking on me."

"Why are you here?" The question hung in the air as Sam watched his best friend as well as Tony stumble over there words. His only thought was how interesting this woman was going to make things and how he couldn't wait to get back and tell his own mates about this moment. 

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