26) Prepare for a night to remember

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The training had been going really well, all of the girls had decided to switch up the girls night and instead have it at the compound upstate, leaving the boys with the tower. Everyone figured all would be safe this way and less likely to cause trouble. 

It was the morning of the girls night and Maze decided to call and make things interesting. She had cleared it with both Trixie and Morgan. They were allowing this to be an adult only girls night, with the promise that they got one with just Ree next week.


Good morning  Maze, what's up?
Get all the ladies on this call. I have a fun idea.

Hold on

Okay, everyone is here, I have conferenced  Pep in too.
Ry, get a hat and some paper. Rip up the paper. Write everyone's name and size on each piece. 

Maze, I know where you're going with this. This is a bad idea. 
Oh shut up, most of us are bonded anyway and this way the mates will get to see something new. 

Maze... Not everyone's mates are as okay as... oh crap, it's only my mates who are super possessive. 
Plus, this way, you get to have some fun. Not to mention, you will get a before pic. This Thursday, I have your appointment with my guy to get your back done. We can go over the details later. Did you write everyone's down?

Yes Maze. I have: Wanda, Nat, Shuri, Pepper, Chloe, You, Sharon, Marie, and myself. This better not turn out like Miami. I may actually stab you if it does. 
I can't promise anything when it involves you drinking and letting loose finally. Also, we will draw when we get to the tower in about 20 min. I am grabbing Pepper along the way. Only ones we won't have is Sharon and Marie. Can they get there? 

Sharon and Marie said they will get here at 2. Then we all are going to the mall here. I may have just requested a specific store close for about 2 hours and arranged for a driver because I plan to get just about everything while we are out so we can head straight to the compound after. 


True to their word, Maze, Chloe, and Pepper were at the front door 20 minutes later. The only one carrying a bag was Chloe but Riley knew it was because she packed everything the three of them would need into it. 

As soon as Riley saw the elevator doors open, Chloe was hugging her while Maze planted a kiss on the corner of her mouth. Pepper smiled and shook her head. "You are going to end up getting her in so much trouble." Both Maze and Chloe both smiled mischievously before going into the common room of the main living floor. 

The ladies sat on the couch, pulling Riley onto their laps. Pepper perched on the other couch and smiled when Nat and Wanda came in. "Shuri should be here soon. She is already on the.... I see how tonight is going to go." Wanda was laughing at how comfortable the three women on the couch appeared. Maze was sitting with one knee up on the cushions, Riley sat between her legs while Chloe sat with her shoulder against Maze's knee and Riley's legs over her lap. Maze was doodling small designs on Riley's neck and smiling as she hummed in response. Chloe was happily watching the exchange as she ran her fingers up and down Riley's thighs. 

Before long, the landing pad doors opened and in ran an excited Shuri. All of the guys came down to say hello, having not known the other women had already showed up. Every last one of them smiled at how relaxed Riley looked. Until the mates saw what position she was sat in and how the other women were touching their mate. 

Everyone laughed at the four before walking up and beginning introductions. When Riley tried to get up, Maze wrapped her arms around her and whispered something in her ear that had Riley blushing before standing and moving away. If the mates hadn't been jealous before (which surprise they were), they most definitely were now. They each came up and introduced themselves. 

When that was done, Peter started asking questions about what the plan was for the rest of the day and evening. What surprised everyone was that it was Riley who stepped up. 

"Well, we are going to be meeting Sharon and Marie in a couple hours here, then heading out to run some errands all together before going straight to the compound."

Peter nodded and smiled at his mates telling them to have fun since he had to head out for his aunt. Clint and Bruce smiled and reminded Nat to behave and have fun. Sam stood, shaking his head, knowing Sharon was going to come back with some crazy stories. Tony and Bucky stood side by side, smiling tightly but showing support to their mate. Loki, having spoken to the two newcomers several times simply smiled at them and told them to take care of his girl. Steve scoffed at Loki and reminded Riley that she would have to come home to them so he expected her to take care of herself. His attitude pissed off Maze and she stood next to Riley, spinning her into her arms and kissing her neck all while locking eyes with Steve. "Mr Rogers, if you do not wish your mate to be returned to you covered in marks made by lips and hands, that I promise she will enjoy, do yourself a favor and sit your ass down."

Riley was stood back up and gulped at the intensity of the staring contest Maze and Steve were having. However, it was Tony who approached instead. Kissing her lips and telling her to have fun. "Us boys will handle Captain Bossy-Pants tonight." 

Riley smiled brightly and sat between Bucky and Loki while Tony sat with Steve at the breakfast bar away from everyone. Everyone was having fun and getting to know each other when the elevator opened, letting them know Sharon and Maria had arrived. "Hey all, let's get this show on the road. I need some liquid courage if I am getting into any sort of lingerie a stranger is picking for me."

"WHAT?!" Every single man within earshot yelled as every woman groaned and ran for the elevator. "Guess we aren't taking anything." Shuri and Wanda laughed as they ran to the lift along with everyone else. The women made it to the lobby and sprinted to the limo that had been prearranged. All of the guys left standing at the curb where even a laughing Sam said, "They are so in for it tomorrow. Did Hill say lingerie that strangers pick?" All of the guys were now considering options to sneak into the compound and mess with the girls. "We could just turn the cameras on and see what happens." "No way Mr Stark. With Shuri, Ms Maria, Ms Sharon, and Riley there, that would never work." "Not to mention a few of the others might kill you for spying." "Logan! Are you here to join us for our guys night?" 

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