43) R&R

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After turning a corner, Rumlow hit Riley hard enough to knock her out and proceeded to take out any personnel he came across before going back and grabbing her. Without missing a beat, he picked her up and carried her onto the already prepped and waiting chopper that had been ready to return Fury and Riley to the coast. Hopping in and getting Riley strapped into the chair, he proceeded to fly them to a different spot than originally arranged. 

"Now what? What is your big plan this time?" Riley looked down to see her hands chained to her waist under the seat restraints of the helicopter. "Do you even know where you're going?"

Rumlow smirked while keeping his eyes on the horizon. "Of course I know where I am going. I am not one of your short sighted Avengers. This isn't my first rodeo. You should know I would have prepared for anything. What is your plan? Going to throw yourself at me and hope to get away after you've worn me out? I might even let you do that. I dare you to give it a try."

Riley gave him a disgusted look before turning her eyes back to the horizon as well. "No Rumlow, I think my best chance is with Michael. Go ahead and take me to your leader since you insist on knowing everything. I won't fight you so long as you keep your hands to yourself. We both know that I would kick your ass, even while restrained if I chose to."

Rumlow glanced over at her only to see her face in an unreadable mask and her eyes watching the front. "I might be able to do that. First place we are going is a Hydra safehouse. We will be burning it once we are done so even if you do manage to get back to those goody two shoes, it won't help them any."

Riley nodded but didn't say anything as the rest of the trip went on. She knew she needed to focus on how to handle Michael and if he would prefer for her to call him Archangel. She also thought of her mates and how to keep them safe from this. It hadn't been her intention to get caught but she needed to prep herself for what was to come once again. She built her wall up and reinforced it. She would not risk them hurting because of her in any way. She practiced her mask to keep her emotions in check as well. This was going to be hard since the new face of her captor was going to be that of one of her best friends. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Rumlow and decided to test his own resolve. 

"Rumlow, I... I don't know how to ask this but I need to ask it." He glanced at her as they walked up to the safe house. "What is it? You know I won't let you go or call them to drop hints so what do you want?"

Riley closed her eyes and swallowed hard. "Do I have to be unharmed when you hand me over?"

Rumlow gave her the most confused and bewildered face he could before slowly answering. "I am not sure what that has to do with anything but the terms were, alive and breathing on your own."

She nodded at him and took another breath. "I know this is weird but I need to get used to some of the pain again. I know you won't allow me near a weapon to prepare myself so, I need you to take a little bit of time a day to help me, if you would? I would rather make this into a deal than try to piss you off every day."

Rumlow was surprised to say the least. One of his old victims was asking him to hurt her again in order to, what? Get used to it again? He didn't know what to say so he opted to say nothing. He wasn't completely convinced it wasn't a trap. If she was trying to get him to let his guard down or pity her, she had another thing coming. His face grew stoic as he considered his options. It would be torture for him too if he hurt her without a reason. She used to mouth off, be stubborn, sassy, and an overall pain in the ass. That was what fueled him to think she deserved it, or what he told himself anyway. This was her just asking him to hurt her. Would Archangel be okay with this or would he take offense. It didn't matter, Rumlow decided he couldn't risk it. 

Once he unlocked the door and had her follow him to the basement where he took her hands and attached them to one of the support beams on the low ceiling, he faced her head on. "No. I won't risk this being one of your tricks. Besides, you said you wouldn't fight me so long as I kept my hands to myself. I can't keep both promises. I won't touch you and you will behave. I have to go make some calls. Be a good girl and keep quiet while I find out the details."

Riley simply stood with her arms above her head, not uncomfortable, exactly, but certainly not a position she would choose for herself. She hoped they wouldn't have to be there long but also wasn't looking forward to whatever was coming next. With a sigh she started to focus on her plans. Deciding to be herself and let the chips fall where they may, she hoped she didn't find herself dead in a ditch within hours of meeting him. 

It had been about an hour when Rumlow finally walked back down the stairs. "Hey Angel, got some news. They want us to meet them tomorrow so we are here for the night. I am willing to work out a new position for you to stay in tonight but you will not be coming upstairs, nor will I put you near anything you could possibly use to escape."

"Rumlow, I am not looking to fight you. If it is alright though, I have a headache and would like to lay down. The workbench near the foundation pillar over there, it can be moved. You can attach my arms to the pillar and I can lay down. It is in the middle of the room and not near anything. This may be my last night for any type of real sleep for the foreseeable future and I would like to utilize it."

Rumlow agreed to her thought and after moving the bench, wrapped her arms around the pillar and watched as she kneeled before shifting and laying down on her side. "Thank you Rumlow. Good night."

His eyes widened at her appreciation and how quickly she seemed to fall asleep. She wasn't one to sleep easily in these types of situations, always needing to be aware of her surroundings. Either her soulmates had truly made her soft or she was more exhausted than he had realized. He battled with his own guilt for a while before remembering that him doing this was the only way he would survive. He was a wanted man by all spy organizations for one reason or another and he had no intention of dying in the near future. Closing his eyes, he made sure it was a light enough slumber, he would hear any movement from Riley below in the basement.

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