35) Tough Topics

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"So, the thing is, I had to come at him a different way than he was expecting. Rumlow is not as stupid as he pretends to be. He often played dumb so people would say more in front of him. It served him well to do so at Shield because it meant more info for Hydra. He knows all of Shield's torture techniques and their negotiation tactics. I knew he wasn't afraid of Shield and that Hydra would never question his loyalty. I had to find the weak link. Then it hit me, I was the weak link."

Loki raised a brow and held her closer to him as he questioned what she could mean by that to himself. He wanted to know but also didn't want to think of the man who they spoke of, harming her in any way. Clint had mentioned closure, does that mean his sweet little mate had harmed the brute?

Riley felt the shift in Loki's emotions and held the hand he didn't have wrapped around her as she continued. Nat and Bruce seemed to be taking a similar stance as she began again. 

Riley took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tilted her face to the floor in fear of what their reaction would be to her next words. "I, uh, I th-thanked hi-m for allowing me-"

"WHAT!?!" Riley was suddenly pinned to the wall of her bedroom. Loki had teleported as soon as yelled. He didn't want anyone to see her. He didn't want anyone to hear that she had- she had done that. His darling Queen had thanked that monster for anything. He wanted to rip the man, not a man, a beast, a vile monster. He wanted to end him for ever making his Queen feel as if he had done her any favors. Loki was panting. He needed something but didn't know what. He did the only thing he could think of; kissing away her pain. He took her, still pressed against the wall and kissed her. He poured every emotion he felt into the kiss, making her taste his pain, anger, and bitter resentment towards what she had done. Before anything else occurred, she pressed him back by his chin. "I have to finish the story my King. Now you understand why I couldn't allow you to be there though, yes?"

"Of course, my queen. Just, don't expect me to be happy about any of it." 

"I don't. I am actually really nervous, telling you and Bruce everything. I am trying to hold myself together a bit and get through it though because you both deserve to know. I just couldn't let you see it like that."

Loki nodded at her before teleporting back to the couch, only to find themselves sitting on a very surprised Bucky and Steve. Tony snickered at the open mouthed shock on all four of their faces as Clint and Nat laughed out loud. Bruce bit back his own smile at the group while Riley kept trying to apologize to Bucky whom she had landed on. Loki nearly jumped off of Steve's lap as soon as he realized what happened, only to have Steve playfully teasing him about wanting to be close to the blonde super soldier. Loki stood from his spot on the ground, dusting himself off and looking highly offended and embarrassed at the situation. Bucky held Riley close and told her she was always welcome on his lap, anytime. Riley blushed again before hiding her face in his chest. 

Clearing her throat after a moment, she looked at Loki and had him sit next to Bucky's other side before continuing. "As I was saying, before Loki needed a breather, I thanked him for turning me into the strong, independent, and some other adjectives in there, woman that I am today and threatened to tell Hydra how much I appreciate him before handing him back to them. I may have also said I didn't want him dead, which I feel I need to clarify."

"Uh, yes please actually because I caught that line immediately yesterday and hoped I had heard wrong. Sorry, Bruce, I love you but the guy deserves to die after-" 

Riley cut Nat off by clearing her throat and shooting her a 'shut up' glare. 

"Anyway, I don't think he should die. Death is too easy after everything he has done to not only me but many others. Death means he finds peace and is not existent. I want to know he is out there, living on in some form of misery. Not necessarily being tortured but just, not dead and gone. I am not sure I am making sense."

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