31) Truth and heartbreak

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Bruce was keeping his distance since Riley had covered for him and Hulk, both feeling guilty for hurting her. However, Riley wanted to see them both. She hadn't blamed them because it had happened while keeping her safe. Do you blame the fireman for a sprained ankle when they were pulling you from a fire? She just wanted to see Hulk for their playdate and spend time with them. However, she also had to figure out how to let the boys in on the plan to use herself as bait for the remaining two targets in connection with Hydra. So that was what she and Nat were doing today at the coffee shop down the road from the tower. 

"I think the best way to do it would be to plan a night out somewhere where we know the targets will be near. That way it doesn't look like a complete lie."

Riley shook her head thinking of how badly that could go. "What if I just bite the bullet and say that I am our best bet to get him into custody?"

"No! That would be.. don't do that. The boys may kill all of us for knowing about it and not coming forward with the info. It is already bad enough that all of them are noticing your health decline. I don't know how long we've got until they call in one of the big three."

"Excuse me, what is the big three Nat!?"

"You know, your uncles, Logan, or the LA pack as the boys call them."

"Yeah, that would be bad. I can't keep secrets from Luc. It is like a superpower with him. We can't have them call him in. Plus, I have been eating more. I even slept last night!"

"You eat once every other day, that isn't good. Especially with your metabolism. You are still a super soldier. You are starving yourself by not eating more. I am not complaining, just laying out the facts. I know you're struggling with a lot but at least once a day, please?"

"I have been for three days. I ate twice yesterday. I just can't push more than that right now."

"So, what is our plan?"

Suddenly a new voice startled the pair when they interjected; "Oh yes, what is your master plan to... do what exactly?"

"LOKI!" Both women yelled at his name but couldn't really do more than that. 

Loki was thankful it was the Widow with his mate. He could read her easily. Once he did though, he was ready to burn the city to the ground again. 

"Come along, Riley, we are going to hold a little meeting. Natasha, you too. I am sure your mates would love to hear what you have been hiding from all of us too."

Riley knew she was in trouble based on his voice, adding in the fact that he used her full first name, she gulped and allowed his to teleport the three to the tower and into a meeting room. 

"Friday, Avenger meeting now. EVERYBODY will need to be here in one capacity or another."

"Who called a meeting in my tower other than me or eyepatch? Lokes, what's up?"

Tony strolled in but saw how both of the girls sat huddled in a corner trying to be as small as possible and paused. "You aren't evil again, right?"

"No Stark. Not evil. Just pissed and ready to kill someone."

"Huh, go figure. Who you gunning for?"

"I think I will let our mate answer that one once everyone is here."

Riley gulped again under Loki's cold gaze. She knew he wouldn't actually hurt her but that he was beyond angry and hurt at her actions.

Soon everyone filed in. Vision was the only one to sit with the two girls while everyone else took Loki's glare to heart and stayed away from them. Clint and Thor sat on either side of Bruce, Bucky sat beside Steve who was next to Tony, Wanda knew what was up and sat beside Peter, while Sam and Sharon sat next to them, Fury and Coulson connected via video along with Shuri. What made Riley sink in her seat and pale was when Wade, Jack, and Logan filed in last, only to lock eyes with her and look upset with her current physical appearance. 

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