47) Fight

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Riley looked to Rumlow and nodded. Today was the day. They had the majority of the army on their side, plus she had finally bested Michael in an actual fight. She was afraid to wait any longer. With the thought in her head, she turned to Michael and told him they needed to address their followers and rally support from them. "Don't expect them to fight for you if they don't even know what they are fighting for."

Michael smiled slightly at the small woman. She had truly honed her leadership capabilities and he was truly impressed. "Come along my pet. Let us tell them they fight for the angels."

Riley stopped as he spoke. "They fight for the angels? I am not an angel. You are, I am aware. I am not though."

"Have you really not figured it out yet? You are a Nephilim. You are the child of an angel and a mortal. My guess is that your birth mother lived in shame knowing you were not her husband's child and he resented you for being a reminder of his wife's infidelity. You are truly a gift my pet. Now, let's go lead our army towards a new world."

Pushing the new information aside for now, Riley stepped towards the balcony with Michael. She listened to him give his speech about new world order and how it would bring a peace humans on their own could only dream of achieving. He spoke of a different kind of hope and remembering the loss of too many people for nothing. He was inspiring, which she was both impressed and disgusted with. Next, it was her turn. He raised his hand to welcome her to speak and she took a small step forward. 

"My fellow man, woman, soldier. This is our time. This is the time to fight for what is truly right and what we believe. Now is when the sky will bleed and the Earth weep. This battle will not be without loss but it will make up for it with purpose. Now is our chance. For the people, for our freedom." 

As she spoke her last word, Rumlow tossed her the demon blade he had sent for from a mutual friend. As she caught it, she spun and used the momentum of the blade and her own strength to drive it into Michael's chest. "Never underestimate the need of a people. I warned you six months ago that people always rise up to fight against imbalance. Your version of peace is unattainable."

Michael grabbed at his chest as he drew his last breath. His eyes fading before he was nothing but a shadow on the ground. Nothing of his body remained. The army looked to her and she watched as those faithful to the Archangel began to move forward. Before they got too far though, they were met with her own followers. As the first blows were traded, she jumped down from the third story balcony to join her soldiers in their battle. 


As the team landed, they saw that a battle was already being fought. Many of their own friends and contacts left having seen that the super soldier army was battling itself. Logan and Wade jumped into action, hoping to find Riley. Tony, Thor, and Sam flew above the fight to see if there was anything to find. Nat and Clint ran into the mansion and made their way to the roof to find their own vantage point. Steve and Bucky dove into the melee fighting only those who hit them first. Wanda and Peter moved from place to place while Loki tried to locate Riley within the mansion. 

"Uh, I don't know what to make of what I am seeing here. Anybody else seeing this?" Tony was shocked to see Riley and Rumlow fighting flawlessly together while taking down one soldier after another. There were others beginning to form a loose circle of protection around her as well. 

Loki found himself pausing when one man yelled to protect the queen. He turned to see many of them fighting alongside his mate as she moved gracefully. What he had always thought was immaculate fighting from her now seemed sloppy compared to what he saw now. Then he saw red as Rumlow lifted her, spinning her high as she kicked a few opposing fighters away. He didn't like that they didn't even have to see the other to know where they were going to be. That amount of trust and knowledge between the two made him want to see the man dismembered and buried across the realms. 

Thor watched as Banner stepped forward, turning into Hulk when one man managed to land a solid punch to Riley's temple. She didn't seem phased though which was impressive and worrisome. He cleared a path so Hulk could get to her and alert her to their presence there. Once the opposing team saw that the Avengers fought with Riley's side, they either fled or surrendered. 

Riley stood before the Avengers and assessed them with sharp eyes and a silent glare. She didn't know what to say to them. Oddly, it was Rumlow who stepped next to her and told her to think through her anger before lashing out in any way. The entire team looked to him in confusion but let him get through to her a little. 

"Riley, they are here. I sent them a message when we decided to move forward this week. I knew you would need them here and they are your family. It's okay to have missed them. They missed you. Think this through."

Wade stepped forward. "You sent the message? Why?"

Glancing at the team, he turned back to Riley. "You will need them to find your way back to yourself. I don't want you lost to the darkness within you. As much as it pains me to say this, you belong with them. Your soulmates are there and so is your family. Fight for them, even against your own doubt."

Riley nodded and walked towards the team. They watched how many of the soldiers around her tensed and prepared to defend her if needed. Most of them looked genuinely shocked at how fiercely protective they were of her. 

"I am not exactly at my best and I am far from who I once was. Six months here nearly did what seven years with Hydra could not. I am willing to work with you, can you say the same about me?"

Every single member nodded and they all moved to hug her. She hugged them back before turning to Wanda and Peter. "Do you think Shuri can help them? I want all of these men and women to be cared for and helped however we can for them, please?"

Wanda and Peter both smiled and nodded before pulling Riley in for another hug with them. They told her all about how much they missed her and commented on how much her body had changed in the last six months. She was more muscular and firm. She was still curvy but had slimmed down some too. 

Deciding to house the army at the compound for now, they all moved towards the ship. "Let's discuss everything at home, please?" Riley move to sit on the ship and watched as many other s joined them while some others opted to figure out their own. 

"Time to go home Sugar." 

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