15) Well.... You see

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Riley had barely uttered the whispered expletive before Steve's head snapped up and his eyes narrowed at her surprised face. "Pretty sure you aren't allowed to be the surprised one here. You had all of us worried about you, especially after Logan explained that the weapons you were carrying were the ones you take when you expect trouble."

"Was it Luc who took you to Malibu?"

"Yes uncle. He took me because I needed a quick transport. One of my close friends called me, panicking because her daughter and friend had snuck out but they left their phones in the house. I know the girls fairly well and was able to guess where they would be. I got it right on the first try thankfully and honestly, all I did was knock one guy out because he laid a hand on the daughter. Everyone was safe and made it back home afterwards. The girls decided they wanted some time with me though so I called and checked in."

"CALLED AND CHECKED IN!?!" Loki was beyond furious, his mate went somewhere without letting them know, then called them an hour later unsure of where she was. Worse yet was that Stark had been unable to track her phone due to some sort of wall that was on fire. He didn't understand what the mortal had meant. All that mattered was that he had been unable to find her and it had worried him more than he cared to admit.

Riley blinked at the outburst. "You all get a phone call and suddenly disappear for days, sometimes weeks on end all the time. I run out after getting a phone call and call you an hour later with an update and it isn't good enough?"

"To be fair Doll, you didn't even know where you were exactly."

"Okay, then I will say that I will know more before calling you all next time. That could take more time though so don't get mad at me if it takes me longer to call and check in."

Loki scoffed and Bucky nodded but Steve and Tony looked ready to murder someone as Riley finished her compromise.

"There will not be a next time!"

"I am putting a damn tracker on you. There will never be a time when we can't find you. You are too important to us and just... NO!!"

Riley was shocked by their anger. "None of this is fair. All of you are put in way more dangerous situations than I was in last night yet you act like I am going to die because I walked out the door. I am not some dainty little damsel in distress waiting to be saved. That is just not who I am."

"Ahem, Bunny... You messed up last night. You weren't the one who called me and said that there was something up. I had to hear about it from a stranger. Let me tell you, you better be glad no one here is dead because I considered it. The only reason they aren't is because I know you know how to hide from people."

"Sorry again Uncle."

"So, how are the girls?"

"They are good Lo. I am supposed to help Luc out with something next week though as payment for the transport."

"Ah, fun stuff?"

"Apparently boring as all.... get out?" Riley changed her phrase at the eyebrow lift she got from Steve.

"Talk more later?" Both Deadpool and Logan looked at her expectantly.

"Yeah, dinner tonight? See you both at the bar?" The men nodded and walked out without a word to the rest of the room.

Riley made some lunch for everyone else. She was still full from breakfast but was pretty sure they hadn't eaten yet. Once again, as she cooked, she turned on some music and was dancing around. She had changed into a loose tee and some leggings to keep comfortable. She let out a yelp when a hand landed a little hard on her bottom. Turning around and finding a smirking Nat and a surprised Wanda, Riley asked Friday to turn down the music.

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