38) Fury and Michael

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It didn't take long for Fury to find more info out about the centipede project but he didn't know how to present it to the Avengers. He knew he had messed up but he didn't do apologies or kid gloves. The way that the team babied Riley was a huge disadvantage for all of them. Deciding to let them have their time to themselves, he kept tabs on the project as well as his team. About a month later, there was a new development that he could no longer keep away from the team. 

"Sir, Director Fury is requesting a meeting with the team that is present. He says there are pressing concerns that need to be addressed."

Stark acknowledged Friday before turning to see only the other men in bed. They had taken to all sleeping in the sixth bedroom after realizing that none of them slept great when they were apart. Before Tony could think of where she could have gone, she came silently into the room and headed to the closet before walking into the bathroom. Tony raised a brow at her sweaty clothes and tired lines on her face before she was hidden behind the bathroom door. He heard the water turn on and the others started to wake up. He wondered how long this routine had been going on and why none of them had noticed it before Friday reminded him that Fury was waiting. All the others stiffened and immediately got ready to face the Director. Riley came out of the bathroom to see her mates all dressed and heading out the door. 

"Where are you all going?"

Loki turned to see her freshly showered and almost running to catch up. She seemed to already have makeup on, like every day and her hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she seemed to be dressed casually but he knew something was bothering her. "Fury called a meeting and requested all Avengers present in the tower to attend." 

Riley nodded and followed him but everyone heard her sigh under her breath, "Finally."

All four men turned to look at her waiting to see if she had more to say. "Let's go talk to dear old Nicky first. If I know anything he doesn't I will share after." 

All of their brows furrowed. Steve shook his head in frustration before turning to face the door as they approached.

Upon entering, the five found themselves greeted by a tense looking Nick Fury. "I know we didn't part on the best of terms the last time we saw one another but there is something we really need to discuss."

The four men stared at him with varying looks of anger and disappointment. Riley was the only one who kept her face blank as she nodded for him to continue. Bucky gripped her hand under the table as Tony held her knee from her other side. Steve moved to stand behind her and touched her shoulder. Loki began to move when she shook her head at him, moving her free hand to one of Steve's she let him know it was fine. 

"Say your piece space pirate, I know you have a lot to cover."

Fury looked at her with wide eyes. He wasn't sure how to feel about her cold demeanor towards him versus her polite chiding she did with her mates. It was obvious that the five had gotten much closer and bonded during the month away from Shield but, he hadn't expected her to be this indifferent and distant.

"As I was saying, there is a project that we at Shield have been tracking but it is time for the Avengers to step in and be of some use to Earth once again. People need your protection before Project Centipede gathers any more momentum. It seems that they have at least forty soldiers so far and they are still amassing. You need to determine if there are any more than that."

Tony couldn't sit quietly after that one. "Oh, so it is our job to do more than you because we exist? Do you not have an entire army of spies and assassins unable to do any of this for you? It is all on us?"

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