37) Refocus

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The next day, the five bonded soulmates didn't come down to the common area until almost noon. Nat and Wanda were already waiting and to Riley's surprise, Shuri was also there with Sharon and Maria. 

"Your surprise should be here shortly too. For now though, let's go chat in the training room. I told the guys they either needed to use a different one or convince your mates to share. Riley thanked Nat and the six women disappeared, leaving the guys to face the other avengers in the tower.

"So, when are we to take Lady Riley to Asgard brother?"

"Thor, I will see when she is ready. I don't want to rush her."

Clint and Sam came into the room and sat on the couch facing the two super soldiers while Loki talked with Thor and Tony made more coffee.

"Wow, would you look at that Clint. Did you two decide to mark each other up last night or the two over there?"

Bucky almost sat up to react but thought better of it and instead stared back at Sam while Steve blushed and tried to shake off the comment. So Clint decided to try a different approach. 

"No Sam, nah uh. Those types of love bites and scratches are too small and close together to be any of our men here. Riley definitely has a thing for marking what is hers. At least I would think she does based on the physical evidence in front of us."

Tony came into the room and sat away from the super soldiers. He wouldn't say anything but he was still tired and worn out from the previous several hours. He had ended up taking their mate in the shower that morning after all was said and done. He still needed to prove to himself she was there with them. Having her nails bite into his back, her lips on his chest and neck, he even had a couple small bruises on his ass and thighs from her feet pressing them together; they all proved he hadn't imagined it. He needed that but it was a delicious pain now. 

Steve and Bucky were now blushing and trying to avoid the two men's gaze in front of them as they also reminisced over their time with Riley. Bucky couldn't get the image of her on top of him with her head thrown back while Loki had kissed and touched her body. The way he had told her exactly what Bucky had liked and how she had responded. Her calling him by his first name was something he would never grow tired of either. 

Steve thought back to how she had felt under him, her eyes on him alone as he brought her one climax after another. The sounds she made and her breath against his neck and chest as he held their bodies flush with one another. 

Clint smirked as he watched all three men zone out and mentally get further and further from the room. He was happy that they had figured it out but knew that they needed to pull themselves together before Banner walked in and saw them all like this. He would demand to know where Riley was and who had checked on her. He thought it best to steer the conversation a bit.

"Uh, Guys? Earth to Stark, Rogers, and Barnes! Hello?"

"Sorry, what?"


"I was enjoying that memory, what do you want?"

Sam laughed at the group but couldn't do much else.

"Did Riley ever tell you why she was acting so weird yesterday?"

Thor and Loki moved to the seating area to join the conversation.

"Yes! Did you also determine the reason for her scars? I might need Mjollnir and just set it on them for a while my fists remind them that she is cared for around here."

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