5) Excuse You?

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After the whole fiasco, the girl left. The men couldn't find her and had no clue where to start either. They eventually went home. Sam was chipper but the other two seemed to be even more down than usual. 

"No, I mean we showed up at a mercenary bar looking for the chick that Spiderboy over there stabbed and instead ran into their soulmate! She managed to shut Tony up, more than once. Hell, she managed to make them both jealous!" Sam was laughing with Sharon while they video chatted with Stephen. 

Thor and Nat were sitting with Bruce while Clint was getting more coffee; everyone listening intently to the conversation and impressed with the woman. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on a second. How did she make them jealous exactly?" Clint was too curious for his own good sometimes. He knew the others wanted to know too though. 

Bucky and Loki had walked in quietly from various other parts of the tower and wanted to know who had made someone jealous and how.

Steve looked up from his latest mission report and smirked at the glaring Tony before turning to Sam and offering an even bigger smile. "Oh yes Sam, tell everyone how she managed to make us jealous. If I am not mistaken, YOU were the one bringing different ways to achieve cardio goals into the conversation."

Sharon and Stephen both had their smiles drop as they watched Sam blush. Peter chuckled quietly at having missed this exchange, while the others watched on with interest. "It wasn't... I didn't mean... We were talking about her running circles around them and then she brought up them being avengers and being able to handle cardio. I may have then mentioned something about other ways of reaching cardio goals and and her saying she knew that too." 

By the end of it, Sharon and Nat were laughing hard while Stephen, Thor, Clint, Bruce and Peter sat in shocked silence that Sam had been flirting with the other's soulmate FOR them. However, the other two decided to announce their presence in an unfortunate manner. 



"Technically, she is our soulmate, not just yours helmet-head."

"Shut it Tinman. I need to know where you found her."

"Buck, we all want to see her again. What's wrong with you?"

"I was told she was dead. I found her but then I lost her. Please tell me she was alright."

Everyone stopped laughing as the room grew tense. Everyone remembered when Bucky joined the team and said that their soulmate was probably dead. Nobody took him seriously because he hadn't met her and only ever felt the burn of her proximity once, after his memory had been wiped moments prior.


"Steve, she was there. I need to make sure she is okay, please?" 

"Can it wait until after the phone exchange? I want Bruce to check on her, make sure she is okay. Tony, you wanted her to look over the NDA, and I think Steve said something about making sure she is okay since she brushed off being stabbed as a normal occurrence. Though, you tracked my phone to a merc bar, so maybe that was what she meant. She was super nice and well mannered with me though so who knows." Peter was rambling as he saw it was 9:40 and the meeting was supposed to be at 10. 

Just then, the elevator opened and in walked Wanda and Shuri from their mission in LA. Everyone quickly filled them in on the happenings in the tower before Friday got everyone's attention. "Sorry to interrupt but Happy is sending Vision up with a guest who claims to be your 10 o'clock?"

"Perfect, thank you Friday." 

Everyone gathered in the meeting room and awaited the young woman's arrival.


"Crap!!" Riley was running late to get to the meeting. Logan had answered the door for her immediately when she appeared at his door last night. She was freaking out and trying to keep the calm and collected exterior just a little longer but failed. She had run up to the apartment last night and grabbed an overnight bag as well as the phone for today. When she explained that two of her soulmates were freaking avengers and that they had asked her to immediately come home with them from the bar of all places, he told her she was staying with him that night. He calmed her down and cuddled her all night to keep her anxiety levels low. They had gotten up this morning and fit in a training session in which she was sore from. She was pretty sure she was now sporting two cracked ribs and another couple gashes to her other side. She laughed at how she had a small stab mark on one side and gashes on the other. She also had a black eye from not ducking fast enough. Normally, she wouldn't get this messed up but Logan was stronger, faster, and just.... He had metal bones for christ's sake! She should have expected to get her ass handed to her. She attempted some makeup to cover the eye before leaving in a flowy shirt and jeans with her sneakers. She left her hair down to help cover the eye. Logan decided he didn't want her going to the meeting alone so off they rode on his bike. They pulled into a spot on the street and got off before walking into the lobby.

"Hello, I have a 10 o'clock with Peter? I guess it might be with Mister Mobster too. I honestly don't know who I am meeting."

The older man looked down at her in a way that was probably meant to be intimidating but she honestly found it more endearing than anything. She raised an eyebrow and he looked past her to the man coming up to them. "And you sir?"

"I'm her ride and back up, nothing more."

"Since I don't know you, I can't just let you up to the avengers living quarters." 

"Happy, I am heading there anyway, I am curious to see these two meet them."

"Uh, Vision, I am the head of security.... I think I should..."

"Friday, please let those who have a 10 am meeting with this young woman know that Happy is sending her up with me. Thank you."


As the three climbed into the elevator, Riley turned to odd being. "Nice to meet you Vision, this is Logan and you can call my Lee."

She reached her hand out and shook his before looking up towards the ceiling. "Friday? Are you an AI? You sound amazing. Just wanted to say thank you for letting the boys know we were coming. Sort of nervous to meet Mister Mobster. I am sure he won't be as bad as Stark himself though." She was laughing as Vision looked at her and Friday responded politely. 

"Nice to meet you Lee, I am indeed an AI. Thank you for your appreciation. Also, I may have to use that nickname at some point, thank you!"

All four were laughing when the elevators opened and Riley's smile fell as all four marks burned on her body. 

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