29) Clear up

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When Riley finally decided it was time to leave the room, she found all of her mates sitting in the hallway. They looked miserable, she knew she probably wasn't much better but she needed to help them. 

"C'mon boys. All four of you, get into bed. If you want it, mine is available. I am going to get some breakfast for you all along with some soothing tea. No caffeine until you've slept." 

All four gave exhausted smiles before climbing into her bed. Tony on one side, Steve beside him, Bucky scooted onto Steve's other side with Loki on the other side. Before Riley had even shut the door, all four sets of eyes had closed. She wasn't going to disturb them and decided to ask Friday to let her know when they woke up. She agreed and suggested Riley try to rest at some point too. Riley nodded but made it clear it was not likely to happen. 

She decided that maybe a good workout would be helpful. She began with stretches and the punching bag before moving to the weights. After her body was completely drained, she decided to see what they had for food in their wing. Nothing! Riley grumbled to herself about needing to go shopping soon and went down to the shared kitchen on the lower level. 

Nat and Clint sat with Eddie drinking coffee and discussing different countries they had been to. When they saw her Nat eyed her carefully while Clint looked like he was about to go into full blown protective dad mode at her appearance. Eddie just looked worried. 

"I'm sorry, I am afraid I don't actually know you. Got a name?"

Eddie couldn't help but smile. Here this woman was, sweat-matted hair and unwashed clothes. He wasn't sure they even counted as clothes seeing as the top was a tight tee and the bottoms were barely long enough to be considered shorts. 

"Eddie Brock. Been looking for you."

"Oh goodie, should I be worried or are you going to hear my side of the story first?"

"I would really like to hear your side because I don't know what to think anymore. My friend claims you are his soulmate but I saw how the four Avengers acted the other night and yesterday. I am now more inclined to believe you are their mate than my friend's but why would he lie."

"He is a bad guy, they lie quite effectively."

"I suppose they do but my job as a journalist is to get to the bottom of everything and I want to do that."

"Only because you already experienced what assuming does."

"Oh yeah, and what's that sweetheart?"

Riley glared at the nickname before saying her piece.

"Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. Now, conference room is this way. I have a feeling I know who your friend is and not everyone knows my history. Anything I tell you, stays between us and your... space STD."

"Venom says take it back. He is a symbiote not an STD." 

"Good point, that would require someone wanting to actually sleep with you."

"Angry much? Now apologize to him."

"My apologies Venom. It isn't your fault you got stuck with an asshat for a symbiote."

"HEY! You don't even know me!"

"Sucks when people make snap assumptions based on outside opinions and social ties, yeah?"

"Alright, alright. Venom now likes you for some reason. Lead the way."

After they left the room, Nat and Clint shared a look. "Do you trust..." "Not even a little."

Both headed to the lab where they could tune into the security and keep tabs on the new guy as well as their friend. Bruce greeted them upon entry and reminded Clint, more than anyone, that visual only for now in case some of it was personal. Nat was concerned about it too so she quickly sided with Bruce, making both men suspicious but unable to argue further. They all sat down and watched the footage while both Nat and Clint tried to see if they could read the pair's lips.

"Here is as good a place as any Eddie."

"Look, I get it. I realize I messed up. I didn't look into anything beyond taking a man at his word. I should have pressed further. Rumlow, he told me that you were stolen from him. That the Avengers kidnapped you so they had leverage against him and could pressure him to turn against those actually trying to save the world, not oppress it with false security."

"He... he said the Avengers kidnapped me? When was that?"

"About a week ago? We have been in contact for a few months though. Hydra was apparently written in a bad light after Shield won the war."

"They were working with the Nazi's Eddie. How could you think they were the good guys, even if Shield had used some mudslinging to push their own agenda?"

Eddie had to really look at the woman in front of him, she had bypassed the parts that everyone else had focused on. She didn't care that Rumlow claimed to be her soulmate or that he claimed she was just leverage to the Avengers. Did that mean Rumlow hadn't been wrong or that she wasn't ready to discuss her personal history with him yet?

"I suppose you have a point but he sold it so effectively, I stopped questioning it."

"Because he claimed his soulmate had been stolen and was being held captive by the world's mightiest heroes? Who stole your soulmate Eddie? Are they still alive? Do you need help getting them back?"

Eddie was floored once again, nobody had guessed why he was so quick to believe Rumlow, even help him. Yet, here this young woman was, seeing right through him and offering to help him. "I was ready to kill the Avengers and take you back to Rumlow, all the way up until this conversation and you still offer to help me?"

"Yes, Mr Brock, that is correct. We all need someone sometimes. It may not always be who we expect though. Do you need help?"

"No ma'am. I know my soulmate is gone and I plan to take the whole company out who were responsible for her demise. The way I will have to go about doing it though will not fly with most of your team here. I can't ask you to stand against them. I will stop all contact with Rumlow though too. Just one small thing, if you don't mind. Why does he always refer to you as Angel? I thought that was your actual name for weeks. His men always got this creepy smile whenever he said it though; just confused me."

"This is why." Riley stood, turning her back to Eddie and lifted the back of her shirt, not knowing it wasn't just Eddie she was showing. Clint flew off his seat and had to be tackled by Natasha. Bruce came around to hold him too. Their scuffle turning into a full blown fight, provoking Hulk. All while Eddie sat in shock at the scars decorating the woman's skin. 

"Did, was that, Rumlow made those?"

"Most of them but definitely not all of them. I don't tell anyone how I got them exactly or by who. You now know my secret too Mr Brock. Just to clarify though, no. There is no way that Rumlow is my soulmate and if he had been, I would have rejected him immediately. He gets no part of me."

Eddie nodded silently as he held Venom back from going on a killing spree. Riley turned to face him but before she could say anything an alarm sounded. "Friday what is that?" "Hulk attack Miss Lee."

"Time for you to go Venom. If you ever need me, get in contact. You know some people now."

"Two way road Ry. Good luck."

Riley was already running towards the lab where Friday said Hulk currently was. 

Eddie took the stairs and found his way outside, he realized how lies could seriously hurt someone but he also understood why the others were hiding the info from Riley now. He hoped they told her soon that she was sort of related to Hulk soon though. Lies were going to tear them apart if they weren't careful. As he walked New York, he dumped the phone and went to get a new one, smiling to himself that he found a good group of people to lean on if needed. 

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