22) Evening Discussions

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Riley walked in the door and went to her room. She was exhausted but for the first time in a week, it was a good type of exhausted. She texted Jolly Green that she was home and proceeded to fall asleep on her bed. 

When her uncles came to check on her, she was still asleep and they both decided to let her be for the evening. 

Bruce didn't have it that easy, unfortunately.

He walked into the lobby, to find Pepper there looking for Riley. He explained that she was staying with her uncles right now, which made Pepper suspicious as to why. Bruce had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't his place to get in the middle of everything. After he finally managed to maneuver into the lift, he sighed deeply and prepared himself to deal with Clint and Nat. 

However, it wasn't Clint or Nat that was sitting in the common room waiting for him, instead he found Sam and Stephen. "Hello Dr. Banner. How is she today?"

Bruce didn't even have a chance to ask how Stephen knew he had seen her before Tony came out of the kitchen. "Is Nat sick? Was Sharon hurt on a mission? Where were you all day?"

Bruce opened his mouth to respond when Bucky and Steve walked into the room. "See Sam and Wizard. We are alive and even standing on our own two feet. Will you stop pestering us about our health. There is no threat and our mate left us. You two should understand more than anyone!"

"Well, Steve, since you want to bring up our DEAD mate, let me remind you that yours is still alive and CHOSE to leave after you all made her feel like crap. Don't ever bring Pietro up as your trump card again. That was a low blow man." Sam was visibly shaking but trying to be strong while Stephen held his hand. 

"Again I ask, who is hurt? Sharon or Nat?"

"Neither Tony, everyone is fine." Bruce just really wanted to go to his room and that was becoming less and less likely as the bickering continued.

"No, the Wizard asked how SHE was today. It can't be Wanda because she went to see the princess after helping Nat with something this morning. If it isn't Nat or Sharon...." 

Tony trailed off as his eyes went wide with the realization. Bruce ducked his head, and rubbed the back of his neck. Steve and Bucky were looking between the two very confused. There was a flash of light and the tower shook slightly before Loki came storming in. Bruce thought he knew and was coming for him for a moment but that wasn't the case as he began yelling for Thor to come to the common room. 

Loki seemed to recognize there was tension in the room and went to Bucky. "What is going on in here? Has our beloved returned?"

Bucky was still watching Tony and Bruce with cautious confusion as he shook his head at his mate. Stephen and Sam realized this was going to get messy fast and quietly departed, whispering to Bruce that they would be watching and be there if things got too out of hand. 

Thor finally came into the room with Nat and Clint. Looking between everyone he nodded at Bruce, checking to make sure he was okay. Bruce nodded back as Nat hugged him. Clint stood beside him and asked the same thing Stephen had. Steve, Bucky, and Loki's confusion soon morphed into anger. 

"You saw Riley?" Bucky's voice shook when he said her name.

Steve and Loki both wrapped an arm around his middle and glared at Bruce. Thor saw the opportunity and asked if Hulk wanted to come train with him. Bruce scratched the back of his neck again. "I, uh, I don't think so today. He is actually a bit tired right now."

"Nonsense, I have seen him tear through buildings for hours and not get tired. He wouldn't be...."

Even Thor began to question what had happened during the day to make his mate's counterpart tired. He tilted his head in question as a worried and confused look crossed his face. "Did something happen? Is Lady Riley okay? She is to be my sister-in-law. I need her to be okay Bruce."

Bruce looked at everyone's faces and saw they were all beginning to freak out. "She is... okay. I can't say great but she looks similarly to her mates. She had a fun idea while we were out and wore Hulk out with throwing cars, smashing walls and jumping from building to building. Nobody was harmed and the area appeared to be abandoned. Honestly, I had never heard her laugh like that, and I would gladly do it again if she asked."

His mates smiled gently, glad to see not only Bruce but Hulk make a friend who didn't seem to be afraid of him. Riley's mates however were angry that he had gotten to see her and not them.

"Are you and she.... Did you two.... Have you.... You aren't in a relationship with her right?"

Nat laughed at the suggestion. "Steve, if anyone in my soul group were to have a relationship like the one you are suggesting with Riles, it would be me. Just so we are clear. Bruce and Riles have a connection but it isn't sexual in nature. You should see them some time. Not through your jealous colored glasses but just as yourself. They remind me of siblings more than anything."

Loki was still breathing hard as he listened to what Bruce and that dull creature had done with his playful and wild mate. Hearing Nat explain her view did little to help as he thought of how their mate would probably prefer to be in her arms than theirs after their behavior. 

"Why did you go see her and not tell me? You lied to my face this morning Bruce."

Tony, she asked to see me and she needed to let off some steam and express some of her emotions at everything. I had no idea things had gotten that rough for her. Why did none of you let us know she was struggling that much? She is your mate yet you act like you can't feel her."

Steve didn't like the accusatory tone in Bruce's voice and stepped forward. "We can't feel her. There was only one time any of us felt a sliver of emotion from her and it was when she was drunk. Do you have any idea what it feels like to see her struggle but not able to feel what she needs from you?"

Bruce looked shocked at the four of them and started to piece a lot of things together. Why she never sought comfort from her mates, why they watched from afar. The way that she stiffened with certain actions and situations. The scars, he sighed and looked down. Those scars still haunted him sometimes. She always put up a strong front but he saw the small, scared, girl behind it today and he realized she was more broken than any of them had guessed. 

"I will work on her letting you behind her wall with time. Just know it won't be easy for her and that she has her reasons for it being there. I am going to go to my ro-"

Bruce's phone let him know he had a text message but everyone knew he only texted his mates so that meant it was Riley. Everyone held their breath and practically begged him with their eyes to read it. 

"She is home safe and going to bed. I have plans to talk to her tomorrow. Right now, the big guy and I need a shower and to go to bed."

Nat followed him out. "Odin says you are needed in Asgard brother. I think I will stay now that there is a link to Riley again." Thor nodded and left the room. 

Clint sat across from the four mates. "You four are going to chase her away if you don't start working with her. She has been through more than any of us know and she is fiercely independent. I don't know all of what happened today but, that girl needs to know you are WITH her, not her behind you. She needs to know she is an equal party. Are any of you aware of how much you all try to rule over her rather than talk to her? She is not a child, she is your mate. Treat her as such."

With that, Clint went to go spend time with Nat and Bruce. He had wanted to say that to Riley's mates for some time but couldn't get them all in one place to do so. He was reminded of how Nat would often tell them that she wanted to spend more time with Bruce than anyone else because he didn't try to control her. He hoped, for Riley's mates sake, they figure it out faster than he and Thor did.

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