2) What... Why my phone!?

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"I've missed you too girlie! We have to get together again soon! I might see if I can steal your bestie from her mom too! We could make it a whole girls weekend!" "Mama Ree!!! I would love that!" Riley smiled and looked at the floor when Trixie called her the nickname she hadn't heard in so long. After some long goodbyes and promises to see each other again soon, it was time to fly off. 

Both angels approached the three leaving; "who gets who?" After some discussion, both uncles went with the darker angel while Riley wrapped her arms around her friend's middle. closing her eyes, she suddenly felt the whoosh of the air and then the solid ground beneath her feet. Releasing Lucifer, she smiled her small lopsided smirk before telling him to look after her girls or should come and hunt him down. He bowed his head slightly and promised he would give his life before harm came to any of HIS girls. They both laughed and off he and his brother went. 

The three trudged off towards their apartment above the shabby merc bar the two uncles ran. "You know, I could work at the bar..?" Riley began to think out loud before both men yelled a unanimous and thunderous, "NO!" "Alright, alright. Not the bar, got it." 

When they opened the door, a horrible smell assaulted their noses. Both Wade and Riley had more sensitive senses and almost threw up on the spot. Thinking quickly, they both sprinted to the windows and began throwing them open. On the last window, Riley accidentally threw her phone, which was in her hand still, down the side of the building while coughing due to the smell. 




Turned out, one of Wade's less friendly associates had decided to try and prove a point and used their apartment to dispose of some nosy law enforcement while they were gone. The men decided to get to the bottom of the issue while Ry went to get a new phone. 

On her way home, Riley was fiddling with all the features on the new phone, ensuring the case would actually serve its purpose, connecting all of her accounts, accessories, as well as all the other various things people do. The only downside was that because she had got the phone in a different state, for whatever reason, her number couldn't be transferred. Ultimately she decided that wasn't a bad thing because she was due for a new number soon anyway. Completely distracted by her phone, she almost ran full force into a man coming out of a restaurant when she saw the time. She reached out to catch the man, only to be startled by the fact that he was still standing upright, like an immovable wall. Her eyes widened more at how kind his face looked. Let's be real, a kind face in New York City is like a polar bear in Argentina, very unlikely. Immediately, Ry begins apologizing at the same time as the man. Both laughing at the other, trying to wave off the offered apology. The man seemed to sway in place so Riley reached out to steady him. "Are you okay sir?" "He smiled again and looked as if he was about to wave her off again, but instead he gasped and his eyes went wide. "I should be asking you that, well, other than sir. You are most definitely not a man. Sorry! Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? I should take you to the hospital." Riley simply looked at the charming young man with all the confusion she had before following his eyes and looking down at herself. "Yep, it is official, I am a magnet for trouble." Looking up from the man's chopstick that was currently sticking out of her ribcage and back up to the man, she saw the sheer terror on his face. "Don't worry about it sir. Honestly, this type of thing happens all the time. Just give me a sec, I'll go get you a fresh set from inside." She stood up straight, pulling the stick out before sidestepping the man who now looked like he was trying out for the role of a fish out of water. Walking inside she asked for some napkins and a new set of chopsticks. Once back outside, she handed him the new pair as she continued to press the wad of napkins to her side. "Miss, no, you need to get that looked at. What if you lose too much blood? Don't all the experts say not to pull foreign objects from your body without doctor's approval?" She smiled at his rambling before opening her mouth without thinking. "I hope that's wrong. otherwise sex just became a voyeur's wet dream.... or would it be an exhibitionists? Either way, kinky is the new vanilla." Both of their eyes widened as they realized what just happened. "Oh shit! I am so sorry man, sometimes I speak before I think. I am so sorry." As they both tried to flee, they bumped shoulders again, resulting in both their phones dropping. Without looking, they both scrambled to pick them up and go their separate ways. It wasn't until the man got home, that he remembered that the woman had been stabbed by him. "SHIT!!" There was only a second delay before a distant voice could be heard shouting; "Language!"

Meanwhile, Ry sprints into the bar and up the stairs to the apartment, stripping the shirt off before examining the healing wound in her side. Careful to avoid looking in the mirror, she bandaged the small puncture and found a new shirt, deciding to shower later. 

Before she could even sit, her phone rang. It said "The Godfather" which confused her a lot but answered it anyway. 

"Hello, who is this?"

"I was going to ask why you were at a bar at this time of day but I think I'll settle for, why do you have Peter's phone?"

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