42) This wasn't the plan

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Rumlow stood and watched everyone in the room stare at him. Riley raised a brow before turning to Fury. "You just turned me into a liar and I don't appreciate it. I told him he would never see me again. Thanks for that." Hulk gave a small grunt and glare at  Fury that had him taking a step back with his hands raised in surrender. "He had info, I thought I was  helping."

Riley raised a brow and snorted humorlessly. "Sure you did Nicky. You were testing to see if I was strong enough to be in the same room as him and to see if the others had enough restraint not to kill him the moment he was in their sight. Did we pass Mister Overlord?" Riley crossed her arms and stared Fury down while he silently assessed the room. "Nothing to say? Fine. What do you need to tell us ass-hat?" Her glare clashing with Rumlow's stunned one. 

"I-When, the thing with-"

"Spit it out man. What did you need our attention for?" Clint was losing his patience and was thankful that Riley was still sitting with Hulk because it was obvious he was not allowing Banner back any time soon. 

"When she did what she just did with Hulk. It became clear to me what Michael wants. Let me ask you, how many of you have ever yelled at Hulk? Or even at Banner, honestly?"

Everyone shook their head except Riley, who was tilting her head quizzically. Rumlow pushed forward with the explanation as he tried to avoid her eyes. "Michael needs someone to keep the monsters he is creating in line." He looked directly at Riley as he said his next piece. "Just like you have always known how to do. You were able to keep morale boosted in the facility while the guards and agents secretly loved and hated working with you. You always managed to make us feel human and kept our egos in check. You do that with the team here as well. If you don't believe me, I understand. Michael always asked about you. After we thought you were killed, he was so angry. He took out about half of our top guys and told the rest of them to pray you were still alive and able to be found. He claimed you were to be his greatest weapon against man and creature. I still don't understand what he meant and I apologize, I didn't remember until now."

Riley was trying to keep her face neutral and had inadvertently put her wall back up that she had taken down for her mates over the last month. All four were eyeing her carefully since they couldn't feel her. Hulk was glaring menacingly at Rumlow for still having his eyes on Riley while Thor and Nat put a hand on him each. Clint held Nat's other hand but was close enough to pull Riley away if Rumlow tried anything. Logan and Wade were silently circling behind Fury in case the two tried anything. They knew better than to trust the Director of any sort of spy agency. Chloe and Maze were watching Fury more than anything and Lucifer was pale and lost in thought with all of the new information. 

The elevator sounded and the silence felt like a glass that broke, releasing all the shock in the room. Rumlow stepped forward, Riley's eyes widened and moved from him to the elevator doors opening. Hulk and Clint both moved to pull Riley towards them as her mates stepped in front of her like a battle line being drawn. Fury reached to grab Rumlow's shirt collar while Maze and Chloe stepped between them and Lucifer. Wade and Logan moved a step closer to Fury and Rumlow, waiting to see if they were needed. Lucifer stumbled back into the bar and seemed dazed as he processed everything.  When Trixie and Morgan stepped off the elevator, they were shocked to see the scene in front of them. They immediately ran to Riley and stood on either side of her, only for her to push them behind her. She watched the shock and affection dance through Rumlow's eyes. She could almost feel his daydream as he wished it was their kids she was protecting. She shuddered remembering the few times she had experienced a scare after he and his men were done with her. Thankfully they never took a day off from her torture to find out if she had ever conceived. Riley stepped around her boys and told them to keep the girls safe. 

As she approached Rumlow, she kept her distance but made her stance very clear. "You aren't ever going to get either of those wishes if I have anything to with it. I will do you a favor and not mention the first one but the second, they will not kill you. I want you alive, knowing these men are out there loving me in all the ways you want to. Knowing I love them in all the ways you wish I did with you. I am happier with them than I have ever been. You get to live with this pain. It is the best punishment I can think of for you."

Rumlow smirked and nodded at her. "Always thinking and figuring things out hmm Angel?"

Bucky twitched as his jaw tightened. Loki sucked air through his teeth quietly as Tony smiled and Steve shook his head and turned around. Steve knew if he kept looking at him, Rumlow would end up being dead or unconscious. All of them were trying to hold back until the sound of a fist connecting with skin had every single person looking shocked. Fury raised his shoulders briefly before dropping them again. "He had it coming. All of you were trying so hard to hold back, didn't mean I needed to." Logan and Wade each clapped a hand on his shoulder before moving to flank Riley and stare down at the unconscious Rumlow. 

When he started to come to, Rumlow listened before moving. He wasn't sure how long he had been out and he wanted to have some idea of his surroundings before letting anyone watching know he was awake. 

"I know you're awake Brock. Might as well get up. Me and Fury are here to let you know that we know you are done helping. It is okay and thank you for what you gave us. You will be comfortable here in this cell. Three square meals and the only people to worry about are the other prisoners on the Raft. Have a nice life Rumlow."

Riley turned to leave but heard him stand and turned just as he took Fury's weapon from him. When he ran out, leaving Fury locked in and the weapon trained on you, he decided it was time to get even. "You thought you were going to lock me in a cell for the rest of my life but instead, we will deliver you to Michael. I need to see what his ultimate plan is."

Riley walked silently and let him think he was winning while she thought through her own escape plan.

Well, guess this is one way to see what Michael is up to. 

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