6) Deadpool and... Hydra?

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Logan noticed his friend stiffen next to him. Not many things still triggered her, mostly being approached from behind and white lab coats more than anything. As he watched though, she straightened up and forced a smile. He wrapped an arm around her and held her close to his side as she continued to push her mask into place. With almost no time passing, she relaxed against him and whispered that this is going to be a difficult meeting. 

Vision tilted his head as he watched the young woman react to something he couldn't see. "Are you alright Miss?"

She looked up at him with a bright smile that crinkled the skin around her eyes and he noticed how heavily she wore her makeup. "Oh yes Vis, I am just fine."

They approached the meeting room as all eyes were on the four men surrounding the door. When Vision walked in first though, their faces all fell into a scowl, then in came an unknown man, holding hands with a young woman he semi-pulled behind him. 

All of the Avengers couldn't help but admit she was beautiful. Her long auburn hair falling into her face as she tilted her chin down. The man seeming to see her distressed and stepping forward a little more. "My friend here tells me that there is a NDA she is to look over for something that happened yesterday as well as exchange phones with a young man who mistakenly had taken hers?"

"Who are you to her?"

"Why are you holding her hand?"

"Where did you go last night?"

"Did he hurt you sweetheart, you didn't have that much makeup on last night and that was for work?"

Everyone stopped at Steve's question. All three of her mates immediately stepping towards him. Without thinking, she used the hand he was holding to pull him back and leverage herself in front of him in a defensive position. 

"That is enough. We were training and I didn't duck fast enough. I got him back for it when I dislocated his jaw. Now this has to stop. I left last night because you guys found me a work, accused me of being a whore in not so many words, then demanded I leave with you. Would you leave with someone if that was how they treated you? Also, he is my friend. Now, where is the paperwork for this meeting?"

Everyone else's jaws dropped. Before anyone could move, Wanda had the four men shoved against the wall using her powers. "YOU DID WHAT LAST NIGHT!?!"

Taking a small amount of pity on the men, she gently tapped the redhead on her shoulder. "Um, excuse me miss, only two were there last night and only one said it. I may have thrown it back in his face too. I don't think this will help anyone."

Wanda released the men and turned to the woman who appeared to be about her own age. "I'm Wanda."

"Nice to meet you Wanda. I guess someone should probably know my name. I'm Riley but I go by Ry, Lee, basically whatever you want to call me."

Both women smiled warmly at one another before everyone else went around the room introducing themselves. 

Alright, so, Jolly green, killer queen, revenger, arrowhead, birdman, magician, blondie, princess, spiderboy, tech-chick, slytherin, cyborg, elsa, tinman, and vis. Everyone, I'm Riley and this is Logan. Now, I've read over the NDA and signed it. I agree to all of the terms since I wasn't going to say anything anyway. Can I have my phone now and we will be on our way."

Just as she reaches for the phone, the wall lights up with a couple new faces. "Great a space pirate and the sexy wench." Every head whips to her. "I know, I know. I am leaving anyway."

"Please don't." 

Riley looked over at Bucky and smiled softly. "I am pretty sure I just offended them and this isn't something I should be involved in. I don't want to cause you all any issues okay?"

"Ma'am, it takes a hell of a lot more than being called my husband's sexy wench to offend me. If you are their soulmate, maybe you should stay. This could be triggering for Mr. Barnes especially."

"Oh, uh, yes ma'am. My friend will also stay. Before you worry about security and such, we both have our own secrets and would therefore, never tell anyone else's."

"What about under threat of torture?"

Riley and Logan looked at one another and swallowed before turning to look back at the screen, "Not even then sir." The fact that they both answered the same thing at the same time, had the room sucking in a breath and leaving it silent. 

"Well damn, I like you two already. I'm Nick Fury, EVERYONE calls me Fury. This is my partner Maria Hill and our other partner is due to join us soon, he is Phil Coulson."

"Don't do it Ry." Logan side glanced at his friend and knew it was coming. "If we die, I am so blaming you." 

"I am calling you Nicky and Marie. You two are amazing. Phil will be Phil until I see what he is like."

"FURY. FURY, Riley, Not NICKY." 

"Sure thing Nicky."

Maria stifled a small laugh as Fury pinched the bridge of his nose. The rest of the room was busy staring at her with a mixture of awe and fear (for her).

"Moving on, there is something hinky going on and we need you to keep an eye on things. Hydra is moving more shipments and we don't know what it is or why. Now there is a guy in a red super suit who is sniffing around it too so we know we aren't the only party interested." 

Bucky had reached out and grabbed Riley's hand when they mentioned hydra bringing more shipments in. Riley set her jaw and focused on breathing as she held her soulmate's hand. Logan wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a sign of support that did not go unnoticed by her other three soulmates.  

Looking up at the screen, she saw her uncle in his suit hanging over a box in a warehouse. Without thinking, she let out a small giggle, bringing all eyes to her. Logan looked up at the screen and laughed too. "Well, you don't need to worry about that lookie-loo. Both of them laughing harder as they saw him get tangled in his own equipment. 

Riley stopped laughing and looked at the screen, "It is Deadpool, I know him. I'll see what I can get him to tell me about... that. It might be because he is being cautious. He really doesn't like Hydra." 

Logan spoke up, looking at her. "That is an understatement if I ever did hear one. None of us like them. He and many others will happily fight them if given the opportunity." 

"LOGAN!!" Riley whispered aggressively before smacking him on the back of the head. 

What she didn't see was something nobody else missed; the death glares all four mates sent the pair at the exchange. 

Riley rolled her eyes at the emotions in the room. "Simmer down the jealousy boys, he and I have never nor will ever do anything that deserves your jealousy. Logan, calm down, I know you're angry but I got new info this morning so I know you will be leaving soon. Besides, Jean has got to be missing your dumb ass by now. Also, everyone else, try to relax. I won't let anyone kill anyone else." She smiled at all of them before excusing herself. Her mask slipping as she felt the realization that Hydra was gaining force again. She snuck up into a vent and curled into a ball to try and get out of her current flashback state. 

All four men stepped up to the one man who seemed to know their soulmate better than anyone else. Before they could get into it though, Bucky asked a question that deflated all of them. 

"She was there, wasn't she?"

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