20) At the Tower

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The next morning, All of her mates remained near each other considering the night before. Riley had just come into their lives and they weren't sure they had the right to be so judgmental or jealous of everyone in her life. It was difficult for them to see her close with others though. None of them really knew how to break down whatever walls she had up because they hadn't considered their behavior the problem. Maybe it was time to start opening up to her and not expect her to do the same. Maybe if they stopped pushing her, she would relax and open up on her own.

Loki was struggling with this concept the most. He was a prince and felt that he shouldn't have to bow down or wait to be recognized by his own mate. Bucky had been in a bad place mentally when Loki finally met him but Steve had helped him prior to the meeting. Tony hadn't been the happiest, knowing his parents killer was the mate of his own mate. Steve had worked hard with both, not keeping secrets and talking to each one. Loki wondered if there was something in Riley's past that was similar. Did she push them away because she was afraid they wouldn't accept her dark side? Did she even have a dark side?

Steve and Tony were trying to think of the right way to apologize. Steve decided that making breakfast was a good first step while Tony had flowers delivered to the tower so they could all give them to her. Bucky was the only quiet one. He had stepped out last night due to hearing something in the vents. He figured it was Clint going to visit Riley because all of her mates had messed up last night. Now, in the light of day, he was afraid to go into her room. Would Clint be cuddling her? Would they even be there?

Suddenly, Bucky jumped up and ran to her room. "Please be there. Please don't leave us."

Instead he found her note. He cried when he read it. He couldn't help it. It had been her last night. She had been leaving them and he could have stopped her. He failed her, again.

Steve followed Bucky and saw him kneel at the foot of the bed, his knees thudding into the carpet with the force of his fall. He was only repeating apologies and not making a lot of sense. Steve saw the paper in his hands as he hugged him, grabbing it and reading a few times, the only thing he could say was that it was only for a few days and that it would be okay.

Loki and Tony took in the sight before them. Obviously Riley was gone, but Steve was saying it was only for a few days. He held the letter up to the two remaining mates and watched with sad eyes as they read it. Tony sinking onto her bed, his hands on his knees as he replayed everything he did or said from the night before. Loki held the letter close to his chest, wishing it could be Riley herself as he laid on her bed.

One thing was clear, it was going to be a long couple of days.

About a week later, Bruce was leaving the tower and trying to think of an excuse. His mates knew what he was doing and he had to have Thor distract both Nat and Clint because they had insisted on going with him. He didn't know why but when he got the text asking if he could meet Riley today, he wanted to go alone. Hulk cared for the girl, as did he, but neither could figure out why. It wasn't romantic or anything he felt with his soulmates. This was a fierce protection that continued to baffle him.

He was trying to sneak out of the tower, thankful that Loki had decided to go to Asgard until Riley returned. Wanda knew and was helping Thor keep his mates busy. Steve and Bucky hadn't really come out of their rooms so he wasn't too concerned there. It was Tony, who was almost always in the lab, which was next to his own room, that concerned him. He was trying to be casual but Bruce was definitely not a spy or trained assassin.

Tony looked up to see Bruce looking around as he waited for the elevator. "Hey Banner, where you off to?"

"Uh, the... kitch-out... I want to go get some food for me and Thor. You know how he emotionally eats and I think Hulk is craving a big meal too."

Tony narrowed his eyes a bit but decided he didn't actually care. If Riley was here, he would do those types of things too. Hell, if Steve ever decided to come out of his room, he might jump on him just to be close. Bitter jealousy and some anger bubbled up in Tony's stomach. He nodded at Bruce then went back to glaring at the pieces of a new suit he was working on. He needed to just stay busy.

She would come back, she had to, right?

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