4.Blue Eyes

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The people around him pushed forward their faces to look at the trick the magician's gonna show in any moment. 

The boy held his fingers directly about three clear inches apart from the spoon and slowly dragged them downwards. And for everyone's surprise the spoon bend on it's own.

Everyone started to clap except Jin as the boy lifted the spoon up and showed it in a triumphant way

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Everyone started to clap except Jin as the boy lifted the spoon up and showed it in a triumphant way. He was smiling all the time.

Meanwhile Jin was gritting his teeth looking at his act. He looked beside him and saw both his brother and loyel bodyguard smiling like mad. He wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to prove magic is a shit.

Without thinking twice Jin left the spot he was staying and started to walk towards the magician.

"What the..?" cried Tae in alarm. "Hyung, No...." He knew what's gonna happen next.

The magician boy saw the audience looking at his left so he turned. He saw a tall, masked man with broad shoulders coming towards him.

When he got closer the boy knew it was not for good.


He was cut off by the firm hand of the stranger clutched onto his spoon holding arm suddenly. 

"It's time to reveal you're a cheater." That's what the stranger said while the boy looked at him in bewilderment and  some of the people gasp.

At once the stranger pushed his hand inside the boy's sleeve and shuffled it roughly. It was like he expect  something to come out but nothing did. He let out a frustrated sound and checked inside the other sleeve too. 

Jin's face was beginning to get hot.

"That damn other spoon is gotta be somewhere." He mumbled and was about to try to check out the boy's jersey pockets when the boy pushed him away.

"What are you trying to do mister?" he asked with all the politeness he could come up with.

Jin looked at the gaping crowd and then at the boy. His gaze burned holes on other's face.

"I know you have another spoon somewhere with you, you cunning weasel." shouted Jin when a lot of gasps were heard around them.

"Mister, it's magic so you're not supposed to examine it further than watching it from a few feet apart." said the boy looking into his face and stopped right on his tracks when his eyes met the tall man's eyes.

It was like, he was dragged into a whole other world. Like, he had known them for a long long time. Like, OMG... He couldn't even hear or see anything around him anymore. He just stared into those mesmerizing deep blue eyes. He badly wanted to see the face behind the mask.

(A/N: Are they deep blue or aren't they? Whatever, it makes the story more romantic.)

Jin was scolding at him from the top of his lungs but at some certain point he saw that the boy was not listening to him but staring at something else. He stopped and saw what he was looking at. His own eyes. And when Jin saw the other's eyes were on his  both of their eyes linked together. Both of them went speechless as they kept gazing at each other's eyes.

"Hyung.....HYUNG!!!" Jin came back to his senses by the call and the tug on his arm. He turned his head down and saw Taehyung looking up at him worried.

Jin looked back at the boy who was now staring down then again at Tae.

"Let's go..." He said in a small voice and turned back. Namjoon pushed Tae beside him. The people were still watching them and of course the boy too. 

Jin and the other two came to their car and helped Tae to get in. But before getting in, Jin looked back at the boy who was also looking back at him.


It was a silent journey back to the home. None of the three talked. 

Tae was really annoyed about what happened earlier. It was a good thing that Jin wore a mask at least. Guess what happen if someone recognize the C.E.O of famous Kim Enterprises acting mad at a street magic show. 

Jin was thinking about those eyes. Have he met him before? No way, how can he know some poor guy like that? And why did he kept staring at his eyes? Was he gonna hypnotize him?

However Jin felt a little guilty for what he did. Even he was so harsh and rude to him he just explained how the audience should keep their distance. 

'Arg...Why am I thinking about that fibber this much...Gross!! Come to your senses Seokjin.'


(A/N; The trick above was taken from the movie I mentioned in my introduction before.)

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