10. Is it wrong?

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Jungkook and his mother were having dinner that night.

"Jungkook, this ramen tastes so good." commented Mrs.Jeon looking at the boy. "Where did you bought this?"

"Jin bought them from the 'Heart u' restaurant." said Jungkook putting on a mouthful.

At once Mrs.Jeon dropped her chopsticks on the table with a noise. Jungkook stopped eating and stared at his mother puzzled.

"Uh.." Mrs.Jeon  said in frustration. "I don't know Jungkook... I feel this is not good. Look, he has money. He will buy you anything to  win you and you might think it's because of love. But the only thing he wanted might be your body. You are so young and beautiful Jungkook, so wait for someone who would be suitable for you, who will not let you down at the end."

Jungkook knew his mother's concerned about him but he couldn't even think bad things about the person he love. 

From Jin's past story he had said earlier, Jungkook recognized that there's nothing wrong with him. It's his family that made him a miserable one all the time. Maybe he isn't a bad person, maybe he can also love and care about others. Like he does to his disabled brother Tae.

"Mom" said Jungkook sighing. "I know you don't want me to be hurt but Jin's not a bad one. He told me about how his mother left him and how his dad is so bossy to them... He had gone through a lot mom. He had suffered a lot. Maybe that's why he was rude and silent at the university back then. But he love his brother who's a disabled person. He told me that he's the only one brings him happiness in the world. He sounded so genuine."

Mrs.Jeon listened to him carefully. She picked up her chopsticks again and sighed. "But still...he's rich."

Jungkook chuckled softly. "And still... he's only a friend."

Jungkook wondered if it was true. After all it's a one-sided crush for now and he didn't expect it to grow into another level soon.


Meanwhile Jin was sitting on his bed holding the phone. Arg... Why can't this mean boy send him a message? It's a pity he wasn't able to get the other's number.

He threw the phone onto the bed and fall onto it groaning. How can he get his number? Can he meet him again and ask for that? Will it be too soon? What if he pretend it to be a coincidence? 

He wondered what he was feeling towards the boy? Is it friendship? No.. If it's that why does he kept thinking about Jungkook's lips? Then Brotherhood? Not again with those lips... Love? Romance? Yeah.... Maybe...

But if it is romance shouldn't he know that if he's straight or gay? And what if he currently has a lover by any chance? Someone so cute like him should have one... No, no, no.. he's single. Anyway, Jin decided to find out that the day after.


Jungkook was on the way to work when a familier car stopped in front of him. He looked at it when the shutter on driver's side slid down slowly revealing Jin. He was wearing dark sunglasses like a celebrity and he pushed it a little down with his finger looking at Jungkook.

"Need a ride?" he asked in an official way making Jungkook wonder what happened to this man.

"Oh, sorry.." said Jin suddenly removing the glasses. "Just wanted to ask... Hop in, I'll drop you."

Jungkook smiled and nodded. "It's not far from here Jin. no, thanks."

"Oh come on," said Jin scoffing. "It doesn't matter the distance, I'm just trying to help."

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