8.Return Gift

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As soon as Jin left Jungkook closed the door. He leaned back to it and slipped down keeping the card pressed to his chest.

"Ah, Jin gave me his phone number!Jin gave me his phone number!" Jungkook chanted mentally in happiness. But soon the smile on his face fade away. 

"What are you thinking Jungkook? He only gave it because he pitied you. Don't keep high hopes. Someone like you don't deserve a heart of a rich man like that. No one would accept it. But he loves me right? Arg...He only tried to kiss you because he was drunk. But he tried anyway, right? Stop fooling yourself Jungkook. Come on, go to sleep."


Jin has been a different person after he returned home from that night. He seemed nervous and was always checking the phone for messages. The man who never even read a text carefully was now running off for the phone whenever he heard a pop-up alert. Noticing this,Taehyung became suspicious.

"Hyung," Taehyung called at the breakfast table, three days after noticing Jin's wired actions. "For whom's texts are you waiting for?"

Jin looked down at his cereal bowl and mumbled, "It's business."

"Huh, I thought you got a new boyfriend." said Tae looking at his hyung sideways.

Jin shrugged. It's just a text he's waiting for, but why isn't he receiving it? Did Jungkook forgot? Did Jungkook lost the card?

However a week went without nothing. Jin was near of losing his mind so he decided to meet Jungkook. But what excuse can he give for going to that house again? He just helped him and  not supposed to bother him again....but wait a minute. Yes, Jin got an idea.

"So-Hyun!" called out Jin to the man who do the garden maintenance and laundry work of Kim mansion. 

So-Hyun quickly came over to Jin and bowed. "Yes master?"

"Do you remember the suit I wore about a week ago? After that Yoongi's birthday party?" Jin asked.

So-Hyun thought for a while. "The red color suit sir?"

"No" shouted Jin. "That..that..baggy trouser..and that grey color shirt?"

"Oh yes sir, Yes.." said the frightened man. "I remember giving it to the laundry the day after it."

"Fine, bring it to me right now and are you sure it's fully cleaned?"

"Yes sir"

"Alright, also add some perfume to it"

So-Hyun bowed and quickly hurried away.

After a while he brought the neatly folded clothes with a nice fragrant. Jin happily put them into a bag and went to his car.

"I have to stop by  some other place before going to office today, so hurry up." informed Jin to the driver while settling on the back seat. "And remember to stop by 'Boon'"

Minho wondered whether Jin's going for another useless date but kept his mouth shut as for Jin can get furious of such questions.

On the way they stopped at 'Boon'. Jin went in with Minho and came out with a bunch of large bags in his hand. He had brought a lot of expensive suits for Jungkook!

After stuffing them into the car they left for Jungkook's house. Jin hoped he hasn't gone anywhere in the early morning.

By 7'o clock Jin arrived at the small nice looking house. The first time, he saw it in darkness so he had missed how beautiful the little garden looked. Probably maintained by the boy himself.

Jin ordered Minho to carry the bags to the door step. Jin went to the door and rang the bell. He quickly gave a make-over to hair with his hand. After a while the door opened and Jungkook appeared. His eyes became larger due to the amazement of seeing the unexpected visitor.

"Um...Hi Jungkook!" said Jin smiling nervously. "I came to return your clothes with a.... little return gift"

Jungkook looked at the huge bags in the other one's hand. 

"It's alright Jin, I don't need them back." Jungkook said.

"No No..If it weren't for you, I'd probably have ended up in a drain that day..so, please accept these.."

"Jin..um..I don't actually need this much..."

"...Jungkook, just please accept these alright? I bought them to show my gratitude. "

Jungkook nodded doubtfully. "Okay Jin, can you come in?"

Jin looked at his wrist watch. "Um..yeah sure.. Minho, take those bags inside and wait for me in the car."

Minho nodded eyeing Jungkook with disgrace . He couldn't think how Jin seemed to be addicted to this gold-digger. Jin had never dated a poor one like this before. He left the house after keeping the bags on the floor.

Jungkook came in with Jin and knelt down beside the bags. He checked the price tags of a few clothes and gasped.

"Jin, you had paid thousands of wons for these. You really didn't have to do that.."

Jin shook his head. "I wanted to pay your kindness and these little gifts still can't cover up that."

"But I didn't do anything special to deserve these kinda things." Jungkook mumbled that to himself.

Jin wanted to ask him why he didn't texted him but decided to keep that for later until they know each other well.

"So um.. Jungkook..are you free to grab a cup of coffee... in the evening?"

Jungkook's eyes went wide and cheeks turned  red. Jin saw that and had the urge to kiss them but controlled himself. Jin had never been addicted to someone like him before.


"Perfect" said Jin in excite. "Then I'll come over to pick you. Stay at home by that time."


"Okay then, I gotta go for office." said Jin getting up from the chair. "See you later."

Before Jin go out he looked at Jungkook and winked him making the poor boy blush like a LED bulb.


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