22. Finally

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Jungkook and Jin stepped in front of the office where a bodyguard stood. After they arrived he went inside to inform that probably to the minister and in a moment came back to tell Jungkook to go in.  Jungkook looked at Jin as waiting for something.

Jin squeezed his hand and did a fighting sign before his lover let go of him. He sighed after Jungkook disappeared through the door.

Jungkook was led into a big office room where the minister sat behind a massive table. Jungkook stood in front of it and bowed. The minister signaled the bodyguard to go outside and after he went away, he stood up and came in front of the Jungkook making the boy startle.

"What is your name kid?" he asked studying Jungkook's face with careful eyes.

"J-Jeon Jungkook sir." said the boy and bowed once again.

The prime minister smiled a little. He had felt so fond of this talented boy from the first sight. Jungkook was relieved seeing the smile which indicated that he hadn't done something wrong.

"How old are you? You look so young."

"I'm 23 sir."

"Gosh! What a small age!" exclaimed the minister. "What university did you attend to? And how many degrees you have?"

Jungkook hesitated for a little before answer. "Well, I studied in the business faculty at SNU but.. I left it earlier."

The minister looked bewildered. "What? But why?"

Jungkook didn't felt like saying his personal problems to others  but since it's the prime minister he decided he shouldn't lie. "Sir, my dad died and I had to work for both me and my mom."

"You mean you did a job, abandoning your studies?"

"Yes sir, We had economic hardships."

"Oh my! So how did you end up at Kims? What job did they gave you?" said Minister with pity on the boy. He was so delighted to see the confidence of him.

"Well, I don't have any. The presenter who was supposed to do it today got ill so I volunteered my help sir."

"But...You did it actually... I don't know, PERFECTLY. I haven't seen such a talented presenter as you in my entire life. I bet you were the best student in your batch."

Jungkook blushed of the praise from the prime minister. He bowed saying thank you for three times.

"Kid, what do you say if I offer you an acceptable job in Presidential Secretariat? Mr.Jae-In will surely like you."

Jungkook was so happy to hear that. He dreamt to do a job that would make others respect him for a long time; now he has a chance. But, what about Jin? Will he like him going for a job in another place rather than his own company? Or would he prefer keeping him out of business?

"What do you say Jungkook?" asked the minister breaking his thoughts. "Do you like to give it a try?"

"Sir, I have to discuss about it with someone first." said Jungkook. 

"And who would it be?"

"Mr.Kim Seok-Jin." said Jungkook, deciding there's no need to introduce him as his boyfriend.

"Oh, the C.E.O of Kims. But if you're not working under the company, why do you have to ask for permission from him?"

Now what? Should he say the truth?

"Sir.... he's actually my......"

".... husband?" asked the minister grinning making Jungkook choke on his own spit.

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