28.Being Mine

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Time flew like a speed jet and the day arrived for their wedding. It was 2nd October and the wedding was to be held at a large hotel belonged to the same Kim's company.

Jungkook was at the dressing room with Taehyung and Jimin with him. He was hella nervous and sweating like crazy when the time closed to him to go for it; go to get married. He glanced at the clock for the hundredth time and brought his left hand to his mouth to chew on nails. Jimin immediately hit his arm, making the younger startle.

"Don't eat your nails, it's ruining the makeup." commented Jimin picking up the lip gloss from the table. " And now, we have to replace it."

Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. "Jiminie hyung, it's fine. Nothing has gone messy."

"You'll never see, Hold still." Jimin slightly pressed the tube of cool thing once more to his lips and draw to the right side a little. "And....there you go." he closed the cap.

"Kook hyung you look amazing today." said Taehyung giggling.

"You told it before Tae." said Jungkook smiling.

"Well.. Look hyung, you only agreed to use a little lip gloss, eye liner and a perfume upon you, yet you look extremely stunning. I bet Jin hyung will drool all over the hotel floor seeing you."

Jungkook blushed hearing it. 

"It'll be a surprise if he won't try to kiss you before taking the oath." said Jimin laughing. Both Taehyung and Jungkook grinned at it.

"W-Wait a minute hyung," after a while Jungkook told in a worried tone. 

"What is it Jungkook-ah?"

"Hyung, w-who's supposed t-to walk me down...th-the aisle? I have n-no one." Jungkook mumbled looking down.

Jimin placed a hand on his shoulder caringly. "Don't worry about it Jungkook. That's all settled."

Jungkook looked up at Jimin. "Really? Who is it hyung? Is that you?"

Jimin chuckled shaking his head. "No no, you'll see."

After what seemed like and eternity, the door of the room opened. All the three looked that way to see Yoongi staying at the door smiling widely.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook exclaimed happily.

"Someone said me to bring an angel from this room for be his partner." said Yoongi coming towards them.

"And that would be me." squealed Tae lifting his hand in the air.

Yoongi lifted his brow as the others laughed their heads off noticing that little Tae hadn't buy the joke.

"Seriously that was sick Tae." said Jimin wiping his tears off. "You can't marry your own brother?"

"Ooh..." Tae looked down blushing. "I thought  they meant a page boy or something."

"You are too old to be a page boy Tae.." Yoongi said patting his head. Then he turned his gaze towards the soon to be groom.

"Wow..you look actually wonderful. I guess we can call you an angel." 

Jungkook smiled his bunny smile.

"So are you ready?" asked Yoongi holding his hand towards Jungkook. He nodded and gave his hand to the older. Yoongi helped him to get up.

"Best of luck Jungkook-ah"   "Best of luck Kook hyungie."

Jungkook waved at them and started to walk out of the room with Yoongi. He kept counting the tiles on the floor while walking. 

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