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After watching the movie the four boys gathered back to the living room to see a magic show by Jungkook. It was actually Tae's idea and others agreed at once.

Jungkook hasn't brought any equipment so he burrowed a card pack from Tae. Then he stood in front of the long couch where the other three sat with excite.

Jungkook was about to start but at that time Jin's butler came in and bowed in front of him.

"What is it?" asked Jin a little annoyed of the sudden interruption.

"Yoongi sir's here master."

Jin got up from the sofa immediately. "Yoongs? Well, send him in."

The butler bowed again and went away. In a minute, Yoongi came in with a big grocery bag in his hands. He looked at the boy who was standing there with a card pack and stopped on his tracks with surprise.

"Wow... you guys were gonna watch something fun without me?" he asked looking at Jin.

"Yoongi hyung!" both Tae and Jimin cheered seeing him.

"Hey boys!" chuckled Yoongi looking at the couple. He knew about the relationship between them even before Jin.

Jin came towards him and gave him a hug. 

"This is Jungkook." he said turning back to the boy who was now looking shy.

Yoongi's eyes went wide as he stared at Jungkook. "Y-You mean your lover boy?"

Jin nodded proudly. 

"Oh so you two made up?" asked Yoongi smiling and kept the bags on the glass stool.

"Yes we did." 

"Can I know the reason for him to break up with you?" Yoongi whispered that to Jin in case it'd sound rude in front of Jungkook.

"His mother." Jin whispered back. "She had thought I'm only loving him for...sex."

"I knew there was something fishy about her." hissed Yoongi. "However, it's good to see you back together. You had literally died over him last few weeks."

"I know." grinned Jin.

Yoongi went over to Jungkook and extend his hand. "I'm Jin's friend, Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you!"

Jungkook shyly shook hands and bowed. "I'm Jungkook Mr.Min."

"Call me hyung and Jin had told me a lot about you."

Jungkook smiled as his cheeks turned red. Yoongi patted his head and went over to sit between Jin and Tae.

"He seems like a nice kid!" Yoongi told Jin in the ear.

"He's the best!"

After sometime the show started. Jungkook shuffled the cards first and held them all face back to the others. He told Jin to pick up a random card from it. 

Jin ran his eyes over them for a while and then pulled out one. 

"What is it?" asked Tae trying to peep at the card in Jin's hand. 

"It's ACE of spades."

"Okay now put it in the card deck back." Jin did as he was said. 

Jungkook stepped back and show the cards clearly to the audience. 

"See? I only have one spade of Ace here." he informed. "Now, let's see...yeah, I sense two spade of aces here... where is it? Oh yeah... Jin, check your coat pockets."

Jin pushed his hands inside the so called pocket and dragged out a card while all of them gasp. 

"Show the card."

Jin lifted the card and sure enough, it was spade of Ace. Jungkook show the card deck again and the card wasn't there anymore. Everyone in the room clapped happily including Jin.

"When did you slipped it there Kook hyung?" asked Tae smiling. "The deck didn't even had two cards."

"That's the trick." grinned Jungkook.

After that Jungkook played three more card tricks and they enjoyed them very much. Jin didn't even remembered his hatred of arts that time; he truly enjoyed it.

That evening Tae, Jimin and Jungkook played pokemon while the older two discussed some business matters. Jungkook didn't know if there's a game like that exist on earth but eventually he learnt everything from Tae. He even won two rounds.

After that Jin took Jungkook to show his garden because he knew the boy loved gardening. Jungkook stopped at every plant which were well maintained by So-Hyun and checked them in awe. Jin watched him in adoration. He looked so sweet and cute among the flowers as if he had just arrived from heaven in a flower rain. 

"If you love them this much," said Jin holding Jungkook's hand and pulling him slightly to his side. "You can have them all.... after you marry me."

Jungkook's face heated up as he hid it in Jin's broad shoulder. However he felt warm of the comment.

"I'm not kidding Kookie." said Jin ruffling his hair and chuckled. "You'll be mine someday." he said that last part to himself.

After having a best weekend Jin dropped Jungkook back at his house after showering him with lots of kisses. Jin couldn't get enough of Jungkook all the time.


Four days later, Jin was checking some files in his office when he got a call from his dad. Jin hesitated for a second but then picked up sighing.

"What is it dad?"

"Seokjin, listen to me carefully. " Mr.Kim said in an urgent tone. "We are gonna have the most important project of our business life. You remember the 'Prime lands' apartment complex project of government from last year? They are going to start the second step of it, which is the building part. The prime minister and minister of Urban development are gonna choose the best local company to hand over it. You know what a big success it would be if we get that."

"So what we have to do dad?" 

"We only have to make the best presentation to show our company's ideas for the project and we have to present it in front of the judge board including the prime minister. "

"When is it?" Jin was now getting good vibes about this. He had always wanted to do something greater for the company than his dad.

"In two weeks. I heard IWS enterprises are also gonna volunteer and it's the main barrier for us. The other companies won't be a problem much. You have to give all your power to get  this, you hear me Seok-Jin?"

Jin nodded into the phone. He's gonna give the full priority for it from here, either it's not for his dad's sake. He mumbled a 'yes' into the phone and disconnected it. He immediately send a message to Hoseok to come to his cabin.

After a moment Hoseok entered the room and bowed. 

"Yes sir?"

"Arrange a meeting for the director panel in thirty minutes. We have got some important news."


Happy 30th birthday for our Jinnie!!!

Happy 30th birthday for our Jinnie!!!

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