25.Yoongi's Idea

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Three more weeks went by with silent. Jin and Jungkook went on dinner outs a few times and of course they couldn't be defined as dates. 

Jungkook barely talked or eat fully, spending most of the time zooning out. Jin was so worried to see him like that. He knew Jungkook was upset of her mother's death but he can't live like this forever. Jungkook didn't even want to go out with Jin in the first place but seeing that the elder's getting sad and worried, he agreed to them. However, Jungkook liked him spending time at his house.

From all this little time they spent together at restaurants and Jungkook's house, Jin noticed that even he feel uncomfortable to talk, he craved for touch. Not romanticaly, but caringly. Like, Jungkook seemed to like holding hands with Jin, leaning onto his shoulder or having a soft kiss on the forehead. He closed his eyes to feel the sensation whenever Jin's lips brushed against his forehead or hair.

Jin recognized his needs soon and gladly gave him what he want. He quit giving sexual vibes to the younger for a while and became like a hyung or a dad to him. Jin was always there for him, whenever he felt down. 

After what seemed like a long time, Jin decided to talk this problem with someone who can understand him well. He thought of the best person for that and came up with his best friend Yoongi , who was always been a younger brother to him.

So one day Jin went over to Yoongi's. 

"Oh my Jinnie!" exclaimed Yoongi hugging him tightly while giving his gummy smile. "It has been a long time since I saw you last."

"It's nice to meet you Yoons." smiled Jin. 

"Come in Jin..." said Yoongi stepping aside for Jin to enter the living room. "Sit here for a minute, I'll bring something to drink."

After Yoongi brought two glasses of fruit juice, the two of them sat on the couches facing each other.

"So how's your Jisoo doing?" asked Jin taking a sip from the drink. 

"She's fine." said Yoongi grinning. "How's your bunny boy doing?"

Jin sighed hearing that. "That's why I came here. To talk about him with you."

Yoongi's eyes looked puzzled. "With me?"

"Yeah.." said Jin looking sad. "I think after her mother's death, he's being a little weird."

"Oh," said Yoongi placing the glass on the hand rest. "But I think that's normal. He must be frustrated of losing his only family. "

"Yeah but...he doesn't like to talk about that either. He's like...bottling up his feelings. He often tells me everything about his doings and how he's feeling but this time...it's different. He always wanted to stay by my side yet...he doesn't say a word."

"I think he want someone to hold onto." explained Yoongi with concerned eyes. "Someone who he can rely on. Someone to be there for him always."

"But...am I not being good enough for him?" asked Jin while his voice shook.

"No Jinnie, it's not what I meant. I think he needs you.... in every way. He wants to be there for you and be with you till eternity. He loves you so much."

"What do you mean Yoons? What should I do?"

"I think you should propose him."

Jin nearly chocked on his juice. "What?"

"I say, you should propose him. You should marry him."

Jin was still confused. "What are you saying Yoongi-ah? Do you think he would agree to this when...when he's in a situation like this?"

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